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zh CN/Meetings/2008-02-29



  • 各项工作的总结和安排:文档的撰写,翻译,打包和审核,











19:28 <+hers> 今天晚上有题目?
19:45 -!- alex_wing [n=alex@]  has joined #fedora-cn
19:48 -!- lazyfai []  has joined #fedora-cn
19:48 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v lazyfai]  by ChanServ
19:48 <+FelixZ> zhanGirl: list
19:48 < zhanGirl> FelixZ,我说公主殿下的博客是Http://
19:49 <+FelixZ> zhanGilr: owner
19:59 -!- yichi [n=yichi@]  has joined #fedora-cn
19:59 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v yichi]  by ChanServ
20:23 -!- liuhongdan [n=liuhongd@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:24 -!- FelixZ [n=zxf@]  has quit ["Leaving."] 
20:27 -!- keimoto []  has joined #fedora-cn
20:35 < keimoto> 今天我不講了。
20:38 -!- dgod [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:38 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v liuhongdan]  by ChanServ
20:39 <+liuhongdan> hers讲吧
20:41 -!- jcome [n=jcome@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:41 <+liuhongdan> 业余时间,都忙什么?
20:50 < jcome> :)
20:50 < keimoto> liuhongdan☺ 有空再跟你說~ :)
20:51 <+liuhongdan> keimoto: OK!
20:51 <+liuhongdan> keimoto: 这些异常的符号都怎么输入的?
20:53 < keimoto> gucharmap
20:54 < keimoto> 在啟動菜單>附屬應用程式>字符表。
20:54 < keimoto> Applications>Accessories>Character Map
20:54 < keimoto> liuhongdan☺ 搬 BLOG 了
20:55 <+liuhongdan> Ở
20:56 <+liuhongdan> ᚡ
20:56 <+liuhongdan> ᛨ
20:57 <+liuhongdan> 太复杂了,还得自己复制粘贴。
20:57 <+liuhongdan> keimoto: 搬到哪了?国内可以访问么?
20:57 < keimoto> livejournal
20:58 < keimoto> liuhongdan☺ 你可以加gnome applet, 把常用的加上去。
20:59 < keimoto> Right click on top task bar, choose Charecter Palette.
21:00 <+hers> yum install online-desktop-\*
21:00 <+hers> 今天发现这个很好很强大
21:01 <+yichi> 上次我装了 online 然后又删了,嚯嚯。
21:02 < keimoto> wats dat
21:02 <+hers> 以前没发现有那几个 gadget 可以用
21:03 <+yichi> 现在有什么可以用的?
21:03 <+liuhongdan> hers的老山羊也在livejournal,每次都访不了问...
21:04 < keimoto> really
21:04  * keimoto kicks msn spaces
21:05 <+yichi> hers: 还是那几个哈
21:09 -!- dgod [n=chatzill@]  has left #fedora-cn [] 
21:10 -!- yichi [n=yichi@]  has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 
21:12 -!- keimoto []  has left #fedora-cn ["Leaving"] 
21:14 <+hers> keimoto 的 LJ theme 还算好看
21:14 [Users #fedora-cn] 
21:14 [@ChanServ]  [+liuhongdan]  [ AutumnCat     ]  [ freeflyi1g]  [ r0bertz     ] 
21:14 [+abner   ]  [+ricky     ]  [ candyz0416    ]  [ GNUdog    ]  [ r0bertz|work] 
21:14 [+gregdek ]  [+yshao     ]  [ chendy        ]  [ jcome     ]  [ ssgg        ] 
21:14 [+hers    ]  [+yzhan     ]  [ christina_chen]  [ manphiz   ]  [ Yuxans      ] 
21:14 [+lazyfai ]  [ alex_wing ]  [ DawnFantasy   ]  [ nihui     ]  [ zhanGirl    ] 
21:14 -!- Irssi: #fedora-cn: Total of 25 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 8 voices, 16 normal] 
21:15 -!- keimoto []  has joined #fedora-cn
21:15 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v keimoto]  by ChanServ
21:16 <+hers> 投票。 LJ 和 google groups 竟然在一组里
21:18 <+keimoto> social
21:18 -!- cswiii [n=cwelton@nat/redhat/x-4e70b79f450e9281]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:18 -!- yichi [n=yichi@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:19 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v yichi]  by ChanServ
21:19 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v cswiii]  by ChanServ
21:31 -!- jhwhbd [n=jahweh@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:32 -!- jcome [n=jcome@]  has quit ["Ex-Chat"] 
21:33 <+keimoto> 早點睡
21:46 -!- mricon [n=mricon@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:47 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v mricon]  by ChanServ
21:48 -!- jhwhbd [n=jahweh@]  has left #fedora-cn [] 
21:49 -!- jhwhbd [n=jahweh@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:50 -!- desatan [n=root@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:53 <+keimoto> 先下
21:53 -!- keimoto []  has left #fedora-cn ["Leaving"] 
21:57 -!- nihui [n=nihui@]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 
21:59 -!- jhwhbd [n=jahweh@]  has quit ["Leaving."] 
22:02 -!- AutumnCat [n=AutumnCa@]  has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 
22:03 -!- christina_chen [n=chris@]  has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 
22:03 <+hers> LWN, LWN
22:21 -!- yshao [n=yshao@]  has quit ["Leaving"] 
22:26 -!- desatan [n=root@]  has quit [Operation timed out] 
22:40 -!- alex_wing [n=alex@]  has quit ["Ex-Chat"] 
22:44 -!- yunhual [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:47 < yunhual> gnome-terminal 里面不能全选,然后复制,再粘贴到其他地方吗?
22:52 -!- gcell [n=xelnaga@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:52 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v gcell]  by ChanServ
22:52 < yunhual> 有人知道吗?
22:52 -!- yunhual [n=chatzill@]  has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox] " 
22:54 -!- yunhual [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:55 <+hers> yunhual~ 当然可以,ctrl-shift-c
22:55 <+hers> yunhual~ 全都要加上 shift
22:55 <+hers> yunhual~ 或者用鼠标操作
22:55 [Users #fedora-cn] 
22:55 [@ChanServ]  [+hers      ]  [+yichi      ]  [ freeflyi1g  ]  [ ssgg    ] 
22:55 [+abner   ]  [+lazyfai   ]  [+yzhan      ]  [ GNUdog      ]  [ yunhual ] 
22:55 [+cswiii  ]  [+liuhongdan]  [ candyz0416 ]  [ manphiz     ]  [ Yuxans  ] 
22:55 [+gcell   ]  [+mricon    ]  [ chendy     ]  [ r0bertz     ]  [ zhanGirl] 
22:55 [+gregdek ]  [+ricky     ]  [ DawnFantasy]  [ r0bertz|work] 
22:55 -!- Irssi: #fedora-cn: Total of 24 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 11 voices, 12 normal] 
22:56 -!- rainy [i=rainy@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:57 < yunhual> 好像不行阿
22:57 -!- chendy [n=chendy@]  has quit ["see you next time"] 
22:58 <+hers> 先用鼠标全选,再 ctrl-shift-c 不行吗?
22:59 -!- keimoto []  has joined #fedora-cn
22:59 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v keimoto]  by ChanServ
23:01 <+hers> 睡醒了?
23:03 -!- xuwei [i=xuwei@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:08 -!- LoneStar [n=xinzhen@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:08 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v LoneStar]  by ChanServ
23:11 -!- LoneStar [n=xinzhen@]  has quit [Client Quit] 
23:11 -!- LoneStar [n=xinzhen@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:11 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v LoneStar]  by ChanServ
23:13 -!- abner [n=abner@fedora/abner]  has quit ["Leaving"] 
23:21 -!- xuwei [i=xuwei@]  has quit ["Leaving"] 
23:25 <+keimoto> hers☺ who
