(Create F10Common page, list e1000e issue from F10 Beta release notes.) |
m (Bugs/F10Common moved to Common F10 bugs: Use new approved wiki style, not hierarchy) |
(No difference)
Revision as of 15:11, 8 October 2008
Fedora 10 - Common Bugs and Known Issues
This page documents common bugs in Fedora 10 and, if available, fixes or workarounds for these problems. If you find your problem in this page, do not file a bug for it. Where appropriate, a reference to the current bug(s) in Bugzilla is included.
My Bug Is Not Listed
Not every bug is listed in this page. You can use bugzilla queries in the bottom of this page for that. We have collected this based on commonly discussed issues in our mailing lists and forums. If you believe any particular bug report is missed out here and if you have wiki access, add it this page or contact RahulSundaram with the bugzilla report number explaining why you believe that particular report qualifies as a common issue.
Common Issues
Intel Gigabit Support Disabled
The e1000e ethernet driver that supports some Intel Gigabit network adapters has been disabled in the Fedora 10 Beta release, due to an issue where the EEPROM of the cards may become corrupted at runtime. If you use this card for your network connection, you will be unable to install via the network, or use the network if you perform a local media install. When this issue is solved, the driver will be re-enabled. We apologize for the inconvenience.