This page documents common bugs in Fedora 10 and, if available, fixes or workarounds for these problems. If you find your problem in this page, do not file a bug for it. Where appropriate, a reference to the current bug(s) in Bugzilla is included.
Release Summary, Announcement and Notes
- Releases/10/ReleaseSummary - Make sure you read this page and related references in detail.
My Bug Is Not Listed
Not every bug is listed in this page. You can also query bugzilla, which has a complete list of known bugs. We have collected this based on commonly discussed issues in our mailing lists and forums.
If you believe a commonly encountered bug is missing:
- If you have wiki access, add it this page.
- Otherwise, contact Rahul Sundaram with the bugzilla report number explaining why you believe that particular report qualifies as a common issue.
Common Issues
DNS resolver not reliable
link to this item - Bugzilla: 459756
The name resolver in Fedora 10 did not work reliably in combination with some DNS servers. The symptoms were intermittent failures and/or unusually long delays in resolving DNS names. A workaround has been introduced in the glibc-2.9-3 update and seems to mitigate the problem while we wait for the real solution.
GNOME session saving broken
link to this item - Bugzilla: 465321, Bugzilla: 471980 and GNOME Bugzilla: 552387
The GNOME session management subsystem is being completely rewritten (see this page and this page), so this particular feature is in flux right now. This blog entry discusses a helpful workaround.
Xfce Window Manager and Window Manager Tweaks broken
link to this item - Bugzilla: 471927
Due to a gtk2
bug in F10, the Xfce tools for "Window Manager" and "Window Manager Tweaks" may give the following error:
"These settings cannot work with your current window manager (imsetting-xim)"
To work around this issue, run the following command in a terminal, and then restart:
su -c 'yum remove imsettings'
ATI Radeon problems
It is mentioned in the release notes, but you might have overlooked it:
The kernel modesetting drivers for ATI Radeon are still in development and buggy. Some of the issues are tracked on xorg-x11-drv-ati while others are tracked with the kernel.
If you see display-related problems on ATI Radeon then you can try adding nomodeset
to the kernel boot prompt in grub or permanently in /etc/grub.conf
. Disabling compiz might also help.
If the driver pick up wrong resolution, you may try to create /etc/X11/xorg.conf
and wrote down your monitor capabilities and force your native monitor resolution. See Bugzilla: 474339 for possible workaround.
Fedora 10 i686 Xen guest won't boot
link to this item - Bugzilla: 470905
Fedora 10 (i686) must use the kernel-PAE
package to run as a Xen guest. The installer fails to choose this kernel when it is being installed under Xen, so the installed system will not boot.
As a workaround, you can use a kickstart file to install kernel-PAE
. An updates.img
file that fixes this problem should be made available soon.
Error upgrading systems with kernel-xen installed
link to this item - Bugzilla: 472462
If you try to upgrade a system with
installed, anaconda will fail with an error message ending with:
PackageSackError: No Package Matching kernel
has been removed from Fedora and no upgrade exists in Fedora 10. Xen host services are now provided by
. Remove xenner
from your system and the upgrade will complete normally.
Installing Fedora 10 DomU on Fedora 8 Dom0 Fails
link to this item - Bugzilla: 458164
Previous versions of fedora had a distinct kernel image for Xen domains. This
is no longer the case for Fedora 10. The version of
on Fedora 8 is not aware of this change.
A newer build of
has been created in
updates-testing. Try this test version and give it some positive karma if it works for you.
Wrong keyboard layout when entering boot crypto password
link to this item - Bugzilla: #472964
If a live medium was used to install Fedora, the system uses the us keyboard layout, when you are prompted for your crypto boot password. Once the system was sucessfully booted, running /usr/libexec/plymouth/plymouth-update-initrd
as root updates the keyboard table in the initramfs file to the current one. A reference of the us keyboard layout can be found at Wikipedia.
D-Bus packages break some functionality
On or around 2008-12-07, released D-Bus updates created some breakage in other Fedora software. The broken packages included PackageKit, which prevented some users from easily updating their systems to fix the problem. At this point, PackageKit and many other packages have been repaired. To repair the system, open a terminal and run the following command. Provide the root password at the prompt:
su -c 'yum update'
You must restart the system to complete the update.
New Fedora 10 installs do not boot, boot delays for 10 seconds or stabilization cannot be detected
link to this item - Bugzilla: #473305 and Bugzilla: #470628
On systems that use specific SCSI hardware (can include SATA controllers), a fresh install could complete, but on reboot it would hang and either display "stabilization cannot be detected", delay for 10 seconds or not continue to boot at all, with sg or other devices being listed.
The problem is that mkinitrd was edited to enhance boot times. This introduced an IF clause, that, under specific circumstances, causes scsi_wait_scan not to be loaded and also prevents 'emit "stablized --hash --interval 250 /proc/scsi/scsi"'from being called, and hence the above mentioned issues occur.
In order to fix this issue, a temporary option can be used, by editing the kernel argument from within grub and appending "scsi_mod.scan=sync". This will allow the boot to proceed in most circumstances, although it might take a few seconds to proceed. By using the mentioned kernel argument anaconda freeze-ups and crashes on some systems are also prevented, during the installation process.
A better fix is to rebuild the initrd that the kernel requires in order to boot. mkinitrd --with=scsi_wait_scan (detailed instructions below).
Beginners please follow the steps below:
# To fix this issue, boot from live-media. #Become root on the live-system (note the dash): su - # Enable LVM, if you are using LVM: vgchange -ay # Create a mount point: mkdir /mnt/sysimage # Mount your installed system (VGhere = Your VolumeGroup; # LVname = Name of Logical Volume): mount -t ext3 /dev/VGhere/LVname /mnt/sysimage # Note: Experienced users also mount your other mount points, # such as /var into the chroot. # If required mount the /boot partition into the chroot # (where sdxx is the /boot partition): mount -t ext3 /dev/sdxx /mnt/sysimage/boot # Mount the required special kernel directories into the chroot environment: mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/sysimage/dev mount --bind /proc /mnt/sysimage/proc mount --bind /sys /mnt/sysimage/sys # Change into the directory root of your installed system: chroot /mnt/sysimage # Rename your old initrd (note your initrd version might be different, # modify as required) mv initrd- initrd- # Create your new initrd image # Note: The third argument after mkinitrd is the kernel version) mkinitrd --with=scsi_wait_scan initrd- # Exit the chroot environment and reboot: exit reboot
Now pray! Please note the lines beginning with a "#" are comments! Some command lines are separated by a carriage return.
Important Note: mkinitrd-6.0.71-3.fc10 fixes the issue above!! Please update your system after fixing manually, or better after booting using the kernel argument "scsi_mod.scan=sync" !!!
SDL based apps have popping/crackling noises
SDL based applications such as Battle for Wesnoth and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars have popping/crackling noises. A fix is to tell SDL to use the ALSA driver.
echo "export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=\"alsa\"" >> ~/.bash_profile
Log out and log back in for this to take effect.
To make it a system wide change (as opposed to a single user in the code above) add
export SDL_AUDIODRIVER="alsa"
to /etc/profile.