From Fedora Project Wiki
Education SIG Meetings
Next Meeting: Friday, June 12 at 1700 UTC on #fedora-edu (preliminary)
Last Meeting: Friday, June 5 at 1700 UTC on #fedora-edu
Agenda & Tasks
Needs to be updated with notes about decisions for each topic.
- the F11 EDU spin and mainly our plans for F12 (application discussion)
- collaboration with POSSE
- collaboration with Sugar Labs
- collaboration with OLPC
- collaboration with existing k12osn interest group (what is the difference between them and us?)
- how to promote the spin to make people aware of it
- explain the difference between fedora spin and kubuntu
- mechanisms for getting enduser feedback?
Action items
- sdziallas to clean up wiki, meeting notes, new spin goals...
- mchua to (after sdziallas's email) put up july 19 spin roadmap, based on steps
- mchua to (after roadmap is up) ask mailing list to read july 19 goals and add packages/feature requests to a list on the wiki, so we can make size-cutoff decisions once we see what each option would let us include
- mchua ditto above for outreach ideas, and to make sure POSSE profs remain tightly in the loop for spin development
- sdziallas to keep SL in the loop
- hanthana to ping mchua on #fedora on Monday to make feature-request survey to send to KarlieRobinson and Math4 class (and possibly others)
- rdieter, sdziallas, gregdek, and others at FUDCon Berlin to get together at FUDCon Berlin
- sdziallas to announce what we're going to do for the july 19 spin to k12osn