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2009-06-10 0500 UTC on #fedora-i18n at Freenode


Next meeting I18N/InputMethods/Meetings/2009-06-17

bug lists: core IMEs imsettings scim


  • ibus-anthy still needs work current setup seems to be UI skeleton
  • reassigned ibus-anthy to Jens
  • talked about several bugs
  • libhangul updated to 0.0.9
  • new ibus build in f11 updates-testing
  • some discussion on xkb and keymap branch

Action Items


juhp I18N/InputMethods/Meetings/2009-06-10 Jun 10 15:09
juhp ping phuang, tagoh3, dychen, paragan, pravins Jun 10 15:10
phuang hi Jun 10 15:10
juhp I cooked up an agenda page... Jun 10 15:10
dychen Hi, juhp Jun 10 15:10
<--sflanigan has quit (Remote closed the connection) Jun 10 15:10
juhp any particular other topics for today? Jun 10 15:10
juhp perhaps we should go through the bug list today? Jun 10 15:12
tagoh3 hi Jun 10 15:12
juhp I think all rawhide bugs were moved to f11 Jun 10 15:12
paragn hi Jun 10 15:14
juhp phuang: btw Jun 10 15:14
pravins hi juhp Jun 10 15:14
phuang juhp, thanks Jun 10 15:14
juhp,ASSIGNED Jun 10 15:20
juhp ah wait Jun 10 15:20
juhp let's talk briefly about ibus-anthy first Jun 10 15:21
juhp tagoh3: you said the Abe-san's latest code still not completely functional I guess? Jun 10 15:21
juhp in ibus-anthy-setup I mean Jun 10 15:22
tagoh3 yep Jun 10 15:22
juhp the setup UI looks ok but I guess maybe still needs some glue for state and gconf etc? Jun 10 15:23
tagoh3 well, keybindings list just contains keys for not-yet-implemented-feature Jun 10 15:23
juhp I didn't look at the code yet Jun 10 15:23
juhp ok Jun 10 15:23
juhp but presumably he is planning to do that Jun 10 15:23
tagoh3 dunno - it looked like borrowing list from scim-anthy though Jun 10 15:24
juhp ok Jun 10 15:24
juhp well hopefully anyway - guess it is a good start anyway Jun 10 15:24
juhp tagoh3: do you see more important things missing from setup skeleton? Jun 10 15:25
tagoh3 not sure if it should be entered into setup but apparently we are missing dictionary stuff there Jun 10 15:26
juhp tagoh3: right you mean kasumi support? Jun 10 15:26
tagoh3 since we no longer have a desktop entry for kasumi, it's really hard to do maintain anthy dictionary Jun 10 15:26
juhp aha Jun 10 15:26
juhp I suppose we could bring back the desktop file in the meantime ;) Jun 10 15:27
juhp I dunno how commonly it is used? Jun 10 15:27
tagoh3 juhp: that's an idea - ideally better invoking that from IM side so that that would be intuitive Jun 10 15:28
juhp anyway should be hard to add a kasumi button Jun 10 15:28
tagoh3 shouldn't? Jun 10 15:28
juhp tagoh3: does scim-anthy have a shortcut for it? Jun 10 15:28
juhp tagoh3: right Jun 10 15:28
tagoh3 juhp: you mean keybinding? I thought it's only available from toolbar. Jun 10 15:29
juhp ok Jun 10 15:29
-->ifelix (n=felix@nat/redhat-in/x-6b260bda9a58c9e5) has joined #fedora-i18n Jun 10 15:31
juhp hope I did that right Jun 10 15:31
*juhp updated ibus-anthy in pkgdb... Jun 10 15:31
juhp okay Jun 10 15:31
juhp phuang: btw you have a new ibus build in updates-testing I think? Jun 10 15:36
juhp,ASSIGNED Jun 10 15:36
phuang yeah. I just built one today Jun 10 15:36
juhp cool Jun 10 15:36
juhp good for everyone to test that please Jun 10 15:37
phuang But it does not include changes for resolving xkb conflict Jun 10 15:37
juhp sure Jun 10 15:37
juhp good :) Jun 10 15:37
phuang For xkb testing, need build from git tree keymaps branch Jun 10 15:38
juhp any bugs anyone wants to raise? Jun 10 15:38
juhp phuang: yep Jun 10 15:38
juhp phuang: sure any xkb testing should be done in f12 :) Jun 10 15:38
juhp or scratch builds of course :) Jun 10 15:38
juhp .bug 486272 Jun 10 15:39
zodbot juhp: Bug 486272 need a hotmenu for focus-follows-mouse wm - Jun 10 15:39
juhp phuang: any more thoughts on this Jun 10 15:40
juhp we have touched on it in a while Jun 10 15:40
juhp haven't Jun 10 15:40
juhp dropping my not's today ;) Jun 10 15:40
phuang I think we discussed it yesterday Jun 10 15:41
phuang about the replace toolbar with sys menu Jun 10 15:41
juhp aha Jun 10 15:42
phuang tagoh3's comment of this bug Jun 10 15:42
juhp well that was systray menu Jun 10 15:42
juhp but that would work yes Jun 10 15:42
juhp hotkey to bring up menu Jun 10 15:42
juhp phuang: so would the menus be combined in this case? Jun 10 15:43
phuang yeah Jun 10 15:43
phuang and the menu must be triggered by hotkey Jun 10 15:43
juhp okay Jun 10 15:44
phuang mouse clicking also has same problem Jun 10 15:44
juhp agree - if we add support for toolbar actions in command menu then easier to do that part Jun 10 15:44
juhp but first step might be to allow switching IME from hotmenu Jun 10 15:45
phuang But I am afraid: If the mouse leaves the window, maybe ibus will has problem too Jun 10 15:45
phuang Still thinking it is minor case. could be ignored Jun 10 15:48
juhp .bug 491040 Jun 10 15:54
zodbot juhp: Bug 491040 candidate selection needs scrollbar and selection by mouse - Jun 10 15:54
phuang juhp, it is difficult to implement. All engines need changes to support it. :( Jun 10 16:00
juhp hmm Jun 10 16:01
juhp I see Jun 10 16:01
pravins phuang: as talked you yesterday, selection by mouse will help ibus-rawcode also :) Jun 10 16:01
phuang pravins, yeah. I will consider support it Jun 10 16:02
pravins cool Jun 10 16:03
pravins between i started working on .bug 501911 Jun 10 16:03
phuang I could add api for it. But if the engine want to support it, engine developers should add related code for it. Jun 10 16:03
pravins sure Jun 10 16:04
juhp phuang: how about PageUp/PageDown? Jun 10 16:04
juhp .bug 501911 Jun 10 16:04
zodbot juhp: Bug 501911 [ibus][Indic] - ZWJ Candidate window not showing Hexadecimal values in list - Jun 10 16:04
pravins thanks phuang for adding hex api in IbusLookuptabe Jun 10 16:04
phuang could add pageup and pagedown buttons too Jun 10 16:05
pravins s/IbusLookuptabe/IBusLookupTable Jun 10 16:05
juhp phuang: not buttons Jun 10 16:06
pravins yeah, will require that two Jun 10 16:06
phuang juhp, ? Jun 10 16:06
juhp phuang: keys :) Jun 10 16:06
juhp same story? Jun 10 16:06
phuang ibus always supports pagedown, pageup keys. Jun 10 16:07
phuang I think Jun 10 16:07
juhp in candidate list? Jun 10 16:07
-->Kaio (n=Kaio@fedora/Kaio) has joined #fedora-i18n Jun 10 16:07
phuang in your keyboard Jun 10 16:07
juhp phuang: so not currently available I guess Jun 10 16:08
phuang but no buttons on candidate window Jun 10 16:08
juhp I think PageUp and PageDown is essential for candidate list Jun 10 16:08
juhp not working for me anyway Jun 10 16:08
phuang key does not work? Jun 10 16:09
phuang which engine? Jun 10 16:09
juhp no Jun 10 16:09
juhp PageUp/PageDown does not seem to do anything Jun 10 16:09
juhp is it just me? Jun 10 16:09
pravins juhp: it shows in ibus-rawcode Jun 10 16:09
pravins but i have not implemented function for that Jun 10 16:09
juhp ok Jun 10 16:10
juhp perhaps it is ibus-anthy? Jun 10 16:10
phuang If the PageUp & PageDown keys do not work. It is the problem of engine. Jun 10 16:10
juhp so IME implements that Jun 10 16:10
phuang yeah Jun 10 16:10
juhp ok Jun 10 16:10
juhp hmm so everyone IME needs to implement that? Jun 10 16:11
phuang yeah Jun 10 16:13
juhp hmm Jun 10 16:13
juhp ok Jun 10 16:13
phuang Some engines do not send the lookup table with all candidates Jun 10 16:13
juhp sure Jun 10 16:13
phuang so can not implement in ibus Jun 10 16:14
juhp phuang: pinyin is only showing 5 candidates at time? :) Jun 10 16:14
phuang no. it is configurable Jun 10 16:14
phuang and Pinyin will only send the current page to ibus-daemon Jun 10 16:14
phuang because performance issue Jun 10 16:15
juhp ok Jun 10 16:16
juhp just thought 5 is not that many but anyway Jun 10 16:16
juhp ok I think we need more contributions to ibus core from the team Jun 10 16:17
phuang yeah Jun 10 16:18
juhp if everyone took one ibus bug and submitted a patch it would help cut down the rfe list a lot Jun 10 16:18
juhp either that I we need to become more nasty and close some rfe wontfix Jun 10 16:18
juhp I think some of the bugs are not so big work Jun 10 16:19
juhp anyway we over time Jun 10 16:20
juhp so let's close the meeting if nothing else Jun 10 16:20
juhp I added a comment to bz about remote use Jun 10 16:20
juhp and maybe we can talk more about xkb next time Jun 10 16:20
phuang ok Jun 10 16:21
phuang added comment about remote use too Jun 10 16:21
juhp phuang: but let me ask currently xkb scan codes is either all on or off? Jun 10 16:21
juhp phuang: thanks Jun 10 16:21
juhp phuang: no IME differentiation yet? Jun 10 16:21
phuang no different Jun 10 16:21
juhp I guess we need some meta data for IMEs that don't need it Jun 10 16:22
juhp ok Jun 10 16:22
juhp phuang: maybe a setup config we would be a start? Jun 10 16:23
juhp to turn it on and off? Jun 10 16:23
phuang We need a detail design for it Jun 10 16:24
juhp right Jun 10 16:25
juhp tagoh3: anything you want to mention on imsettings or other stuff? Jun 10 16:26
dychen juhp, phuang: perhaps some API for the IMEs do care. Jun 10 16:28
juhp yeah Jun 10 16:28
tagoh3 juhp: not particularly so far. Jun 10 16:29
juhp ok Jun 10 16:29
juhp we can continue talking but let's end the formal meeting here :) Jun 10 16:29
phuang IME could choice keyboard layout in IME describe xml file Jun 10 16:30
juhp phuang: right Jun 10 16:31
phuang and ibus will convert scan code to the specified keyboard layout Jun 10 16:31
juhp I guess m17n may be hardest Jun 10 16:31
juhp since some maps may need it and not others - dunno Jun 10 16:31
phuang each engines in m17n could specified different layout Jun 10 16:32
dychen phuang: but dvorak user have no chance to change keyboard layout to their favour. Jun 10 16:32
juhp changing topic but anyone see the thread on f-i-l started by ankit and gdm langlist? Jun 10 16:32
dychen juhp: I did. Jun 10 16:33
phuang but I don't know if keymap files in m17n have those information Jun 10 16:33
juhp phuang: right Jun 10 16:33
phuang dvorak layout works with chewing. ? Jun 10 16:34
dychen juhp, I am not quite sure whether the system manager would like user to auto-add the language files. Jun 10 16:34
dychen phuang: Yes, chewing support dvorak, dvorak 26 keys. Jun 10 16:35
dychen phuang: So I suggest it should be in either IBus or IME's schemas. Jun 10 16:36
phuang Actually, I am not clear about those use cases. Jun 10 16:37
phuang dychen, Do you have detail information? Jun 10 16:37
dychen phuang: How many keyboard layout are you supporting so far? Jun 10 16:38
phuang dychen, keyboard layouts are loaded from text file. It is easy to add new one Jun 10 16:38
phuang currently, I only has several layouts converted from qemu projects Jun 10 16:39
phuang s/I/It/ Jun 10 16:40
dychen phuang: Those may be sufficient. Jun 10 16:40

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