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Revision as of 15:28, 12 October 2011 by Jerboaa (talk | contribs)


This test case tests whether old projects cloned with Fedora Packager for Eclipse 0.1.12 and below can be properly upgraded to Fedora Packager for Eclipse 0.2 using the conversion tool shipped with 0.2.


  1. Boot into the machine/VM you wish to test
  2. Download Eclipse from
  3. Make sure that file ~/.fedora.cert does not exist. You can move it out of the way via mv ~/.fedora.cert{,-away}

How to test

  1. Open Eclipse (it is recommended to use a new workspace).
  2. Open the "Import from Fedora Git" wizard. Press CTRL+3 and start typing "Projects from Fedora" and hit return once it's the only option shown. Alternatively, use File => Import => Git => Projects from Fedora Git
  3. Enter "eclipse-fedorapackager" (this should clone the eclipse-fedorapackager package from Fedora Git
  4. You should now see an "eclipse-fedorapackager" project in your Eclipse workspace.
  5. If you right-click on this project, you should see a context menu item called "Fedora Packager"
  6. We now upgrade eclipse-fedorapackager. yum update eclipse-fedorapackager-0.2.1-1.fc16
  7. Restart Eclipse. File => Restart.
  8. Once Eclipse has been restarted, try right-clicking on the project "eclipse-fedorapackager". The "Fedora Packager" context menu item should be gone. Now we need to upgrade this project in order for the context menu to show up again.
  9. Open the "Fedora Packaging" perspective. Go to "Window" => "Open Perspective" => "Other..." and select "Fedora Packaging"
  10. Click the Fedora icon as shown in this image: Fedora Packager for Eclipse project conversion icon
  11. Select project eclipse-fedorapackager from the list and click OK.
  12. You should get expected results as noted below. Don't forget to reinstate your Fedora certificates: mv ~/.fedora.cert{-away,}

Expected Results

  1. A message dialog should show up indicating that project eclipse-fedorapackager got converted.
  2. If you right-click on the project you should see the "Fedora Packager" context menu item again.
  3. If you double-click on the file eclipse-fedorapackager.spec the contents of the .spec file should show and right-clicking in that .spec file should show the "Fedora Packager" context menu item as well.