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Fedora 10 - Common Bugs and Known Issues

This page documents common bugs in Fedora 10 and, if available, fixes or workarounds for these problems. If you find your problem in this page, do not file a bug for it. Where appropriate, a reference to the current bug(s) in Bugzilla is included.

My Bug Is Not Listed

Not every bug is listed in this page. You can use bugzilla queries in the bottom of this page for that. We have collected this based on commonly discussed issues in our mailing lists and forums. If you believe any particular bug report is missed out here and if you have wiki access, add it this page or contact Rahul Sundaram with the bugzilla report number explaining why you believe that particular report qualifies as a common issue.

Common Issues

GNOME session saving broken

[Common F10 bugs#GNOME_session_saving_broken | link to this item]] - Bugzilla: 465321 and GNOME Bugzilla: 552387

The GNOME session management subsystem is being completely rewritten (see this page and this page), so this particular feature is in flux right now. This blog entry discusses a helpful workaround.

Xfce Window Manager/Window Manager Tweaks don't work

Due to a gtk2 bug in F10, the Xfce settings manager settings tools for "Window Manager" and "Window Manager Tweaks" may give the following error:

"These settings cannot work with your current window manager (imsetting-xim)"

To work around this issue, you can: "yum remove imsettings" and restart.

See bug: [[ ]] for more info.
