This page outlines the effort involved to package autoqa, and it's dependencies, for Fedora.
The following table details the different icons and states used through this page.
Unknown status, needs investigation | |
Inprogress |
Currently assigned and inprogress, see Notes for details |
Complete |
This means it is packaged for Fedora or is considered not an issue, see Notes for details |
Warning |
Needs further review, see Notes for details |
Failure |
Not packaged for Fedora, or unable to package for Fedora, see Notes for details. |
Bundled JAR files
The gwt package has many runtime and build requirements. As currently distributed, the requirements are bundled with the source code. This practice if forbidden according to the Fedora Java packaging guidelines (see Packaging:Java#Pre-built_JAR_files_.2F_Other_bundled_software). To address this issue, the gwt.spec
should be updated as follows:
- Add package relationship dependencies (
for run-time or%Buildrequires
for build-time) - In the
phase, replace the bundled JAR file with a symlink to the system JAR file
For each of the JAR files listed below, the goal is to identify the Fedora package that provides the JAR file. Some steps to help locate the package.
- Identify whether it is a build or run-time requirement for gwt
- Determine whether the JAR file is provided by an existing package
- # Obtain a list of packages that contain a file matching the glob: *xerces*.jar
- $ repoquery -q -f "*xerces*jar"
- If not available in Fedora, determine whether the JAR file is available in a JPackage rpm
- If not available in JPackage, locate upstream and start packaging for Fedora
A build option is provided to assist with packaging gwt. To build gwt with all bundled JAR files, use rpmbuild
option --with bundled_jars
. To build gwt without the bundled JAR files (default), use rpmbuild
option --without bundled_jars
File | Required by | Status | Notes |
tools/api-checker/reference/gwt-user-modified.jar | gwt | I believe this is provided by gwt and acceptable | |
tools/api-checker/reference/gwt-dev-modified.jar | gwt | I believe this is provided by gwt and acceptable | |
tools/lib/htmlunit/htmlunit-core-js-r5070.jar | gwt | packaged for jpackage, see #RPM dependencies below for packaging status | |
tools/lib/htmlunit/htmlunit-core-js-2.5.jar | gwt | packaged for jpackage, see #RPM dependencies below for packaging status | |
tools/lib/htmlunit/htmlunit-r5070.jar | gwt | packaged for jpackage, see #RPM dependencies below for packaging status | |
tools/lib/htmlunit/htmlunit-core-js-r5070-sources.jar | gwt | packaged for jpackage, see #RPM dependencies below for packaging status. However, not a true build requirement. Safe to ignore. | |
tools/lib/htmlunit/htmlunit-2.5.jar | gwt | packaged for jpackage, see #RPM dependencies below for packaging status | |
tools/lib/htmlunit/htmlunit-2.5-sources.jar | gwt | packaged for jpackage, see #RPM dependencies below for packaging status. However, not a true build requirement. Safe to ignore. | |
tools/lib/htmlunit/htmlunit-r5070-sources.jar | gwt | packaged for jpackageA, see #RPM dependencies below for packaging status. However, not a true build requirement. Safe to ignore. | |
tools/lib/htmlunit/htmlunit-core-js-2.5-sources.jar | gwt | packaged for jpackage, see #RPM dependencies below for packaging status. However, not a true build requirement. Safe to ignore. | |
tools/lib/jetty/jetty-6.1.11.jar | gwt | jetty
| |
tools/lib/nekohtml/nekohtml-1.9.12.jar | gwt | Aavilable as nekohtml-0.9.5-6.2 - may need a newer build
| |
tools/lib/nekohtml/nekohtml-1.9.13.jar | gwt | Available as nekohtml-0.9.5-6.2 - may need a newer build
| |
tools/lib/selenium/selenium-java-client-driver-sources.jar | gwt | Can't find this specific JAR file in selenium-java-client-driver . However, not a true build requirement. Safe to ignore.
| |
tools/lib/selenium/1.0.1/selenium-java-client-driver-sources.jar | gwt | Can't find this specific JAR file in selenium-java-client-driver . However, not a true build requirement. Safe to ignore.
| |
tools/lib/selenium/1.0.1/selenium-java-client-driver.jar | gwt | selenium-java-client-driver
| |
tools/lib/selenium/1.0.1/selenium-server-sources.jar | gwt | Can't find the sources.jar file anywhere. However, not a true build requirement. Safe to ignore. | |
tools/lib/selenium/1.0.1/selenium-server.jar | gwt | selenium-server is probably what we want, although perl-Alien-SeleniumRC also provides this file.
| |
tools/lib/selenium/selenium-java-client-driver.jar | gwt | selenium-java-client-driver
| |
tools/lib/selenium/selenium-server-sources.jar | gwt | Can't find the sources.jar file anywhere. However, not a true build requirement. Safe to ignore. | |
tools/lib/selenium/selenium-server.jar | gwt | selenium-server is probably what we want, although perl-Alien-SeleniumRC also provides this file.
| |
tools/lib/protobuf/protobuf-2.2.0/protobuf-java-2.2.0.jar | gwt | protobuf is available, but does not build the protobuf-java subpackage containing the .jar file. I have reached out to protobuf maintainers, and listed protobuf below in #RPM dependencies as packaging work will be required.
| |
tools/lib/protobuf/protobuf-2.2.0/protobuf-java-rebased-2.2.0.jar | gwt | Not packaged, see project page, see #RPM dependencies below for packaging status | |
tools/lib/eclipse/jdt-3.1.1.jar | gwt | eclipse-jdt
| |
tools/lib/eclipse/org.eclipse.swt.win32-win32-3.2.1.jar | gwt | windows jar file not needed in fedora | |
tools/lib/eclipse/org.eclipse.swt.carbon-macosx-3.2.1.jar | gwt | osx jar file not needed in fedora | |
tools/lib/eclipse/org.eclipse.swt.gtk-linux-3.2.1.jar | gwt | eclipse-swt
| |
tools/lib/eclipse/jdt-3.3.1.jar | gwt | eclipse-jdt
| |
tools/lib/eclipse/jdt-3.4.2.jar | gwt | eclipse-jdt
| |
tools/lib/cssparser/cssparser-0.9.5.jar | gwt | cssparser is only available in rawhide at the moment
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/commons-logging-1.0.jar | gwt | ant-commons-logging or jakarta-commons-logging
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/tomcat-util-5.1.jar | gwt | tomcat5-server-lib
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/jasper-compiler-1.0.jar | gwt | tomcat5-jasper
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/catalina-1.0.jar | gwt | tomcat5-server-lib or tomcat6-lib
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/ant-launcher-1.6.5.jar | gwt | ant
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/naming-resources-1.0.jar | gwt | tomcat5-common-lib or directory-naming
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/tomcat-jk2-2.1.jar | gwt | Cannot find tomcat-jk2 in any Fedora packages. This may not be a problem since mod_jk2 has been deprecated upstream (according to tomcat5 %changelog). | |
tools/lib/tomcat/tomcat-coyote-1.0.jar | gwt | tomcat5-server-lib or tomcat6-lib
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/naming-java-1.0.jar | gwt | directory-naming
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/servlet-api-2.4.jar | gwt | tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/mx4j-jmx-1.1.jar | gwt | mx4j
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/commons-el-1.0.jar | gwt | jakarta-commons-el
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/tomcat-http11-1.0.jar | gwt | Can't find this packaged, but inspecting the JAR file, I believe this is provided by tomcat5-server-lib or tomcat6-lib
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/servlets-common-1.0.jar | gwt | tomcat5-server-lib
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/jsp-api-2.0.jar | gwt | tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/commons-modeler-1.1.jar | gwt | jakarta-commons-modeler
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/commons-beanutils-1.6.jar | gwt | jakarta-commons-beanutils
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/jsp-api-2.1.jar | gwt | tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/commons-collections-3.1.jar | gwt | jakarta-commons-collections
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/servlets-invoker-1.0.jar | gwt | tomcat5-server-lib
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/servlets-default-1.0.jar | gwt | tomcat5-server-lib
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/catalina-optional-1.0.jar | gwt | tomcat5-server-lib
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/jakarta-regexp-1.3.jar | gwt | eclipse-quickrex or ant-apache-regexp
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/servlet-api-2.5.jar | gwt | tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/naming-common-1.0.jar | gwt | I think this is provided by tomcat5-common-lib
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/jasper-runtime-1.0.jar | gwt | tomcat5-jasper
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/commons-digester-1.5.jar | gwt | jakarta-commons-digester
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/ant-launcher-1.7.1.jar | gwt | ant
| |
tools/lib/tomcat/naming-factory-1.0.jar | gwt | tomcat5-common-lib or directory-naming
| |
tools/lib/junit/junit-3.8.1.jar | gwt | junit
| |
tools/lib/jfreechart/jcommon-1.0.6.jar | gwt | jcommon
| |
tools/lib/jfreechart/jfreechart-1.0.3.jar | gwt | jfreechart
| |
tools/lib/jfreechart/itext-1.4.6.jar | gwt | itext
| |
tools/lib/sun/swingworker/swing-worker-1.1.jar | gwt | netbeans-java
| |
tools/lib/javaswf/javaswf-20050404.jar | gwt | Not packaged anywhere and I question whether this is needed. There has been no activity on this project since 2003. See project page. | |
tools/lib/cglib/cglib-2.2.jar | gwt | cglib
| |
tools/lib/cglib/cglib-src-2.2.jar | gwt | not provided by cglib . However, not a true build requirement. Safe to ignore.
| |
tools/lib/xerces/xerces-2_9_1/xml-apis.jar | gwt | can't find this, perhaps xml-commons-apis ?
| |
tools/lib/xerces/xerces-2_9_1/xercesimpl-nometainf.jar | gwt | can't find this in fedora package | |
tools/lib/xerces/xerces-2_9_1/serializer.jar | gwt | can't find this in fedora package | |
tools/lib/xerces/xerces-2_9_1/xercesimpl.jar | gwt | can't find this in fedora package | |
tools/lib/xerces/xerces-2.0.2.jar | gwt | xerces-j2
| |
tools/lib/xerces/xml-apis-2.0.2.jar | gwt | is this the same as xml-commons-apis ?
| |
tools/lib/xalan/xalan-2.7.1.jar | gwt | xalan-x2
| |
tools/lib/apache/tapestry-util-text-4.0.2.jar | gwt | Packaged for jpackage, see #RPM dependencies below for packaging status | |
tools/lib/apache/commons/commons-codec-1.3.jar | gwt | jakarta-commons-codec
| |
tools/lib/apache/commons/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar | gwt | jakarta-commons-logging
| |
tools/lib/apache/commons/commons-io-1.4.jar | gwt | jakarta-commons-io
| |
tools/lib/apache/commons/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar | gwt | jakarta-commons-httpclient
| |
tools/lib/apache/commons/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar | gwt | jakarta-commons-collections
| |
tools/lib/apache/commons/commons-lang-2.4.jar | gwt | jakarta-commons-lang
| |
tools/lib/apache/ant-1.6.5.jar | gwt | ant
| |
tools/lib/apache/ant-1.6.1.jar | gwt | ant
| |
tools/lib/apache/ant-1.7.1.jar | gwt | ant
| |
tools/lib/w3c/sac/sac-1.3.jar | gwt | sac
| |
tools/lib/w3c/sac/sac-1.3-src.jar | gwt | not provided by sac , not a true build requirement. Safe to ignore.
| |
tools/lib/w3c/flute/flute-1.3-gg1.jar | gwt | Seems to be a hand-patched version of flute to add a new file (see commit log). Inspecting the flute.jar provided by flute shows it also contains the missing file
| |
tools/lib/w3c/flute/flute-1.3.jar | gwt | flute
| |
tools/lib/w3c/flute/flute-1.3-gg1-src.jar | gwt | Not provided in flute , not a true build requirement. Safe to ignore.
| |
tools/lib/w3c/flute/flute-1.3-src.jar | gwt | not provided in flute , not a true build requirement. Safe to ignore.
| |
tools/lib/tonicsystems/jarjar-1.0rc8.jar | gwt | jarjar-0.9-5 is available, but may require an update.
| |
tools/lib/objectweb/asm-util-3.1.jar | gwt | objectweb-asm
| |
tools/lib/objectweb/asm-tree-3.1.jar | gwt | objectweb-asm
| |
tools/lib/objectweb/asm-commons-3.1.jar | gwt | objectweb-asm
| |
tools/lib/objectweb/asm-xml-3.1.jar | gwt | objectweb-asm
| |
tools/lib/objectweb/asm-analysis-3.1.jar | gwt | objectweb-asm
| |
tools/lib/objectweb/asm-3.1.jar | gwt | objectweb-asm
| |
tools/lib/easymock/easymock.jar | gwt | easymock
| |
tools/lib/easymock/easymockclassextension.jar | gwt | easymock
| |
dev/core/test/com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/testdata/cpe2.jar | gwt | Thsi is built and provided by the gwt package itself. This is fine. | |
dev/core/test/com/google/gwt/dev/resource/impl/testdata/cpe1.jar | gwt | This is built and provided by the gwt package itself. This is fine. | |
eclipse/settings/code-style/gwt-customchecks.jar | gwt | According to the svn log, this provides a file used for gwt development within eclipse. Safe to ignore. |
RPM dependencies
The following table lists the package dependencies required to build autoqa and their Fedora package review status. Unless otherwise stated, builds for these packages should be available in Fedora 14. At some point, building packages into Fedora 13, or EPEL5, may be desired, but starting with Fedora 14 is ideal.
Package | Required by | Status | Notes |
autoqa-0.3.5-pre2.fc13 | QA | ||
autotest-0.12.0-1.fc13 | autoqa | ||
Django-1.0.4-1.fc13 | autotest | A newer version of Django is available in Fedora, but Django-1.0.4-1 is needed. A contrib package will be required so that Django and contrib-Django-1.0.4 can coexist | |
gwt-2.0.3-0.1.fc13 | autotest | ||
htmlunit-1.14-4.jpp6 | gwt | ||
htmlunit-core-js-2.4-2.jpp6 | htmlunit | ||
tapestry-4.0.2-3.jpp5 | gwt | ||
protobuf-2.3.0 | gwt | protobuf-java is now available in fc13 (see protobuf)
| |
ecj-3.4.2-7.el5 | gwt | ecj-3.4.2-7.el5 now available
| |
cssparser |
gwt | cssparser is currently available in rawhide, but not in fc13 or el5. According to User:Akurtakov, rebuilding cssparser requires javacc-maven-plugin in Fedora 13, and building anything *maven* in F13 is broken+problematic.
| |
sac-1.3-8 |
cssparser | A newer version of sac is needed in Fedora 13. Requested CVS tagging to build into fc13. Currently, sac-1.3-8 is now available in fc14 and fc13.