From Fedora Project Wiki
Meeting Time
- 2012-03-31 04:00 UTC Click here to convert to local time
- #fedora-meeting on
- Meetings go for just over one hour, but sometimes go longer.
This week's APAC Ambassadors Meeting will be lead by Dramsey and co-lead by Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera, bckurera and Truong Anh Tuan, tuanta.
- Luke Martinez, asmartgoat
- Heherson Pagcaliwagan, azneita
- Engels Antonio, born2linux
- Ankur Sinha, FranciscoD
- Haowei Lee, Haowei
- Harish Pillay, harishpillay
- Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail, KageSenshi
- Caius Chance, Kaio
- Moniruzzaman Monir, kalpurush
- Magie Antonio, magie
- Mahay Alam Khan, maktrix
- Sureshkumar Packiyarajah, Suresht
- Uditha Bandara Wijerathna, udinnet
- Abhishek Singh, aks
- Shakthi Kannan, mbuf
- as well as other great ambassadors!!! :)
Meeting Protocol
- Please follow IRC Meeting Protocol and guidelines
- Try using the MeetBot commands and more MeetBot commands
Ambassador Pinging
Your name, where you are located, etc.
- For example ".fas dramsey My name is dramsey, from Japan and I use Fedora 16 from a DVD and Fedora 17 from an .ISO. I like System Administration Topics as well as Kernels."
News from FAmSCo
- All FAms please have a look on this proposal and comment, Cwickert.
- FUDCon APAC funding request is open and closing on 20th March. Please submit your application at the fudcon planning trac :-)
- FUDCon APAC 2012 winner is Malaysia, Truly Asia! [
Tourism Malaysia. Soundtrack by]
Review *ACTION* items from the last meeting
*all* keep a close eye on FAmSCo 's voting on the FUDCon APAC decision- *all* mark calendars for next FUDCon deadlines so we can get started much in advance
- All FAms, update your F17 release parties to the wiki at
- bckurera find out shipping charges for swags from Colombo through Sri Lanka and abroad
bckurera and APAC FAms, create a proposal to make APAC more centralized (eg: trac..)- *all* Please plan and add your events to the wiki if you want get some swags and funds.
F17 release events and APAC events should be merged in the agenda- kaio file a ticke about it #link
- ping gbraad and finds out gbraad is ok?
FranciscoD post logs to list
A proposal to make APAC more centralized (eg: trac..)
APAC Trac for Regional Support
Ticket #18
Ticket #19
Ticket #21
APAC Events and Status of F17 Release Parties (dramsey)
- FUDCon APAC 2012!!!
- By this week, the FUDCon APAC 2012 information will be made.
- We need to show our strongest APAC Team support to help promote the FUDCon APAC 2012, dramsey on 03/05/2012.
- I strongly suggest considering having "weekly" updates in order to support the FUDCon APAC 2012, dramsey on 03/05/2012.
- FAD/LCA/Meet Up/Fedora awareness
- Report of past Events & current Status of upcoming events
Fedora Events Please Note: It is best to have evidence in your event report.[ie:photos+blog post]
- Everyone please update this wiki with your Fedora 17 Release Events! dramsey on 03/05/2012
- Fedora 17 Ambassadors Team Tasks
- Review and plan your Fedora 17 needs, for example media, swag and anything else.
- FAmSCo and Regional teams call for Preparation of Media/SWAG by Thu 2012-03-08
- Hold Release Events and Publish Event Reports from Tue 2012-05-08 until Fri 2012-06-08 dramsey on 03/05/2012
- Locally created media / swag as an option? ==> strongly suggests inquiry on funding your initiatives FAmSCo Trac
- Use that Fedora "This is free media" form during sending of media between countries to avoid the tax problem.
- What would be useful for you? Item and quantity!!!
Harish says, "I have some F16 LiveCDs left. Do mention that during the meeting."
APAC Plans for 2012 (Suresh)
- APAC Plans for 2012
- Great event for Beefy Miracle[F17] and F18.
- Prize for best Event photo.
- Announcing open source computation among the university students.
- Year end Ambassadors report.
Fedora and Red Hat System Administration Study Group for Ambassadors (dramsey)
- Developing our fellow Ambassadors not just APAC but all regions with Red Hat information training. ==> dramsey need support from FAmSCo
- Continuing communications with Fedora Ambassadors' on EC
- FYI Study Group URL from herlo at System Administration Study Guide
- Fedora 16 System Administrator's Guide** Sysadmin Study Group
- FYI Study Group URL from herlo at System Administration Study Guide
- Who is interested in getting certified? ==> dramsey strongly suggests doing so
- Your voiced needs!!!
- 04:43:49 tuanta interested
- 04:44:05 LMartinez is also interested
- 04:44:12 <Suresh> +1 from Suresh
- 04:44:21 <udinnet> I really like to get RHCSA crt. I worked in it few moths.
- 04:44:25 <maktrix> +1 from me too
- 04:44:37 <LMartinez> RHCSA would be the choice for me
- 04:45:08 <maktrix> RHCE is good for me to start with
- Your voiced needs!!!
- Survey
- Results
- FUDCon Blacksburg: System Administrator Study Group
- An idea from azneita Heherson -
- herlo / sysadminSG herlo / sysadminSG
Teach fedora using Videos campaign (ankursinha)
Fedora Participation (dramsey as well as others who want to voice their ideas)
- Do you participate via IRC at #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora-apac and/or #fedora IRC channels?
- Do you have a HackerGotchi?
- Keep on doing that "Fedora" FAD here in APAC!!! :)
- I like the #fedora-classroom IRC initiatives! Do you think we need to suggest a Fedora 17 Release Party Strategy IRC or Ambassadors' FYI IRC?
- What would help you?
- How can we do to help APAC grow and develop?
- Do you think we as APAC are getting enough "visibility?" If not then what should we do?
GSoC with Fedora (bckurera)
- We need ideas,
Open Floor
- Brainstorming
- Any Ideas that you have in your mind?
- Have noticed at Meeting Minutes that NA and LATAM are doing weekly meetings now, should we consider?
- Minutes:
- Minutes (text):
- Log:
- Log (Text):
Next Meeting
- See Next Meeting for the next meeting date and time.