Meeting Time
- 2012-05-05 04:00 UTC Click here to convert to local time
- #fedora-meeting on
- Meetings go for just over one hour, but sometimes go longer.
This week's APAC Ambassadors Meeting will be lead by Dramsey and co-lead by Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera, bckurera and Truong Anh Tuan, tuanta.
- Luke Martinez, asmartgoat
- Heherson Pagcaliwagan, azneita
- Engels Antonio, born2linux
- Ankur Sinha, FranciscoD
- Haowei Lee, Haowei
- Harish Pillay, harishpillay
- Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail, KageSenshi
- Caius Chance, Kaio
- Moniruzzaman Monir, kalpurush
- Magie Antonio, magie
- Mahay Alam Khan, maktrix
- Sureshkumar Packiyarajah, Suresht
- Uditha Bandara Wijerathna, udinnet
- Abhishek Singh, aks
- Shakthi Kannan, mbuf
- as well as other great ambassadors!!! :)
Meeting Protocol
- Please follow IRC Meeting Protocol and guidelines
- Try using the MeetBot commands and more MeetBot commands
Ambassador Pinging
Your name, where you are located, etc.
- For example ".fas dramsey My name is dramsey, from Japan and I use Fedora 16 from a DVD and Fedora 17 from an .ISO. I like System Administration Topics as well as Kernels."
Review *ACTION* items from the last meeting
- FranciscoD mail relevant folks with survey ideas
bckurera add more ideas into things need to be discussed f2f at FUDCon KL- bckurera to work on video to elaborate the importance of apac-trac
bckurera to have breakfast earlier before next meeting :Pbckurera talk to infra about -india trac situationbckurera ping infra and discuss about the india-trac and report to mailing list- tuanta Reorganize items page for face2face discussion at KL
- all think of amount of buttons that should be produced under famsco budget, get back in next meeting
APAC for FAmSCO (dramsey for you!)
- Do you have "what" it takes to represent us at APAC?
- We strongly need representation, who will do this in case?
Things need to be discussed face to face in FUDCon KL
- This should not be discussed in this meeting. I will be absent.
APAC Events and Status of F17 Release Parties (dramsey)
- Report of past Events & current Status of upcoming events
- Everyone please update this wiki with your Fedora 17 Release Events! dramsey on 03/05/2012 and 04/03/2012
- Fedora 17 Ambassadors Team Tasks
- Review and plan your Fedora 17 needs, for example media, swag and anything else.
- FAmSCo and Regional teams call for Preparation of Media/SWAG by Thu 2012-03-08
- Hold Release Events and Publish Event Reports from Tue 2012-05-08 until Fri 2012-06-08 dramsey on 04/01/2012
- Locally created media / swag as an option? ==> strongly suggests inquiry on funding your initiatives Local production? -
- Use that Fedora "This is free media" form during sending of media between countries to avoid the tax problem.
- What would be useful for you? Item and quantity!!!
Harish says, "I have some F16 LiveCDs left. Do mention that during the meeting."
Review APAC trac tickets
Regulating regional tracs
Respond from infra - "So, perhaps the ideal thing here is make it read-only, then add info to header/footer that it's read-only and to refer to the apac trac?"
Can we mark it #agree ?
Open Floor
- Brainstorming
- Any Ideas that you have in your mind?
- Swag for Fedora 17, get your ideas for this.
dramsey, 2012-04-03
- Support FUDCon KL!!!
- Minutes:
- Minutes (text):
- Log:
- Log (Text):
Next Meeting
- See Next Meeting for the next meeting date and time.