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Revision as of 18:40, 1 February 2010 by Mspevack (talk | contribs) (→‎News)

Basic FAmSCo activity

What is this section's purpose?
This section gives some quick health indicators about how much FAmSCo is communicating. Sometimes FAmSCo members can't make a meeting due to travel or conflict, but the combination of meeting attendance plus email is a nice metric.


FAmSCo held 3 meetings in January. Attendance was excellent:

  • 3 out of 3 -- Joerg, Max, Maria, David, Susmit
  • 2 out of 3 -- Rodrigo, Luca

Mailing list

FAmSco's mailing list received 78 messages this month:

  • Max -- 23
  • Joerg -- 22
  • Susmit -- 12
  • David -- 6
  • Maria -- 5
  • Rodrigo -- 4
  • Luca -- 4
  • Francesco -- 1
  • Paul -- 1

General accomplishments or decisions

What is this section's purpose?
This section discusses the non-regional achievements within either FAmSCo or the larger Ambassadors project from this month.
  • IOTA is selling pressed Fedora DVD from their stall at Kolkata Book Fair. FAmSCo has ensured that trademark guidelines are followed by answering any questions and pointing to resources needed.
  • became a Fedora vendor.
  • Significant work was done to clean up all FAmSCo wiki pages at the start of the new year, and new FAmSCo term.
  • Clarified the primary tasks and goals of FAmSCo in 2010.
  • Created a new FAmSCo mailing list with open archives.
  • Revised and ratified the FAmSCo election rules.
  • An Ambassador training class was held in Fedora Classroom.
  • The Events FAD 2010 was held, and a tremendous amount of work that is valuable to Ambassadors and regions around the world was started. See the following event reports for more information:
    • FIXME (Max) -- link to blog posts and event reports.


Where does FAmSCo's budget come from?
The FAmSCo budget rolls up into the larger Community Architecture expenses. On that page, FAmSCo's budget is represented by the "Regional support" line item.


New tickets Still under mentoring Sponsored Rejected Month
50 28 9 57 January 2010 -- Joerg 15:45, 30 January 2010 (UTC)
63 5 10 56 December 2009 -- Joerg 11:35, 30 January 2010 (UTC)

One of the items on the FAmSCo agenda regarding mentoring is the automation of the membership service, which will improve the mentoring workflow, as described here.

Regional reports

What is this section's purpose?
This section lists the events that were on the global events page as happening in each region, during this month. This section examines the end-result of each of these events, and also reports any general news for the region.



Name Owner Link Event report(s) Comments
CampKDE User:rrix [1] [2]
College Park F12 Distribution User:dramsey [3]


  • DVDs/LiveCDs arrived.
  • Window clings were ordered.
  • Case badges (for the WORLD) were ordered and received.
  • T-shirts are in-process.



FIXME (Rodrigo) -- No events. If there has been some sort of communication failure between LATAM Ambassadors, Rodrigo, and FAmSCo, let us know!




Name Owner Link Event report(s) Comments
Cerea Fair User:Lfoppiano Ambassadors/IT/Events/2010/CereaFair Event report Huge event, 25,000 people attended
Fedora Cafe User:Zoltanh721 Cafe_con_Linux Event report 9 people





Name Owner Link Event report(s) Comments
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


  • Inactive Ambassadors in India will be purged. The regional coordinators sent repeated mails asking Ambassadors to participate, and the mails that either bounced, or never received replies, will be purged.
  • India is going to have Gnunify 2010 in February.
  • Bangladesh is going to have BASIS SoftExpo 2010 & Fedora-BD get-together in February.
  • Malaysia is going to have FossDay'10 in February.
  • Indonesia is discussing about possibility of attending Gnome Asia. Not sure about the venue.
  • Philippines post healthy growth in number of contributors.