Fedora 14's artwork follows the process started on Fedora 12 by having one theme concept (inspired by the release codename) that everyone works together on. We're hoping to produce higher-quality artwork in a more timely manner this way.
The Timeline
Detailed schedule with dates for F14 is available in HTML and iCal formats.
Key Milestones
- (Done) F14 Codename decided — 2010-05-11
- (Done) Concepts submission deadline — 2010-07-06
- (In Progress) Alpha wallpapers deadline — 2010-07-30
- Alpha wallpapers packaging — 2010-08-03
- Gathering feedback for Alpha wallpapers — 2010-08-03 – 2010-08-17
- Beta wallpapers deadline and packaging — 2010-09-07
- Final wallpapers design deadline/packaging — 2010-10-11
Supplementary Wallpapers
- (In progress) Submissions deadline — 2010-08-19
- Selection of final set deadline — 2010-08-20
- Verify wallpaper licenses with authors / contact authors to thank them — 2010-08-20 – 2010-09-03
- Packaging — 2010-09-07
Supporting Graphics
- Alpha release banner graphics due at 2010-08-13
- Beta release banner graphics due at 2010-09-17
- Final release banner graphics due at 2010-10-25
- Release counter graphics due at 2010-09-21
- Beta Splash Screens due at 2010-09-07
- GRUB, SysLinux, Firstboot, Anaconda, KDM, KSplash
- Final Splash Screens due at 2010-10-11
- DVD sleeves due at 2010-10-05
- Release posters due at 2010-10-18
Theme concept
The codename for F14 is Laughlin, design concepts based upon this name will be favoured.
WIP Concepts and designs
You can see all the concepts on the F14_Artwork_Theme_Concepts page.
Final theme concept
Kyle Baker's concept was voted on as the default wallpaper concept for Fedora 14:
The source for his concept is available here:
Please, remix and rework these files to help us get our Fedora 14 alpha wallpaper ready for 30-July-2010!
Leave Your Feedback
Participate in feedback on the final theme concept
Alpha designs
Participate by giving your feedback
Refreshes to Alpha designs
Final designs
Supplemental Wallpapers
You can see all the submissions on the F14_Artwork_Supplemental_Wallpapers_Submissions page.
Final Selection
Design submissions
You can see all the submissions on the F14_Artwork_Banners_Submissions page.
Selected designs
Supporting graphics
You can see all the supporting graphics on the F14_Artwork_Supporting_Grahics page.