From Fedora Project Wiki

Fedora 12's artwork process is going to work a little differently than our artwork process has worked in the past. Rather than having multiple theme concepts competing with one another and dividing artists' time and energies, we're going to try having one theme concept (inspired by the release codename) that everyone works together on. We're hoping to produce higher-quality artwork in a more timely manner this way.

The Timeline

Detailed schedule with dates for F12 is available at its page.

Key Milestones

  • (DONE) Concepts submission deadline — 2009-07-10
  • (DONE) Feature freeze — 2009-07-28
    • Alpha Wallpaper designs deadline
  • (DONE) Package selected wallpapers for alpha — 2009-08-04
  • (DONE) Select default wallpaper theme — Tue 2009-08-11
  • (DONE) First wallpaper refresh — Thu 2009-08-20
  • Beta Freeze — 2009-09-29
    • (DONE) Nearly final wallpaper, supporting graphics creation — Thu 2009-10-01
  • (DONE) Final default wallpaper design, final extras wallpapers selection — 2009-10-27
  • Release — 2009-11-10
    • (In progress) Posters, DVD sleeves, ...

See Release Artwork Process for more details about the process and F12 design task for more detailed schedule.

Concepts, WIP Designs

Alpha Designs


Candidates for default wallpaper

Extra wallpapers candidates

Alpha Release Banner

Beta Release Banner

Release Countdown Banner

First Wallpaper Refresh



Extras Candidates

Final Designs


Final wallpaper has been decided to be based upon mosaico with elements added from unrewater mosaic.


GRUB & SysLinux



First Boot


KDE Splash

Beta Release Banner

Count Down Banner

GA Release Banner

Sleeves, Labels, Posters, etc.

Beta Design Work

F12_Artwork/Beta - F12 Beta artwork for packaging.

Final Wallpaper Refresh Process

F12_Artwork/Final Refresh Process

Wallpaper Extras Selection

F12_Artwork/Extras - Latest candidates for consideration in wallpaper extras