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Revision as of 19:29, 30 April 2011 by Jerboaa (talk | contribs) (Content for Red Hat Bugzilla setup instructions for Mylyn 3.5)
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Using Red Hat Bugzilla with Mylyn >= 3.5.0

The eclipse-mylyn-tasks-bugzilla package (available since Fedora 15) allows Mylyn users to interact with Bugzilla bug trackers from within Eclipse. As of version 3.5.0 of Mylyn it also supports Bugzilla instances, which use custom workflows (which Red Hat Bugzilla does). Here are instructions as to how to set up a Red Hat Bugzilla task repository.

Install eclipse-mylyn-tasks-bugzilla

eclipse-mylyn-tasks-bugzilla is available in Fedora 15 and later.

su -c "yum install eclipse-mylyn-tasks-bugzilla"

Set up the Mylyn task repository with the provided custom transition file

Fire up Eclipse and open the "Task Repositories" view provided by Mylyn: "Window" => "Show View" => "Other..." => "Mylyn" => "Task Repositories". Right-click and select "Add New Task Repository...":

Task Repositories View

Once you've clicked on that, you'll have the choice to select task repository-types. Please select "Bugzilla":

When you click "Next" you should see something like this:

Now, please select the custom transitions definitions file (either by entering the path directly, or by using the "Browse" button): /usr/share/eclipse/dropins/mylyn-bugzilla/redhat-bugzilla-custom-transitions.txt. Once you have done that you can test your configuration by clicking "Validate Settings". If that shows no errors, click "Finish" and you should be good to go. More information on how to use Mylyn can be found here: (or offline by "Help" => "Help Contents" => "Mylyn Documentation").