From Fedora Project Wiki

Eclipse is an open-source (under the Eclipse Public License, or EPL) powerful IDE with tooling for various languages. It has a GTK+ user interface and is written in Java. As it is written in Java it is cross-platform and capable of running on Linux, MacOS and Windows. It is maintained and used by a large community of volunteers and companies.



Eclipse Packages offers their own installers and tarballs for different editions.


The Java IDE can also be installed as a Flatpak package from Flathub:

flatpak install org.eclipse.Java

You may also install it using Gnome Software or KDE Discover; look for Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.


See Eclipse on Flathub for bug reports and pull requests on the Flatpak manifest.

Read Only Eclipse.ini

You can reference a custom eclipse.ini with

flatpak run org.eclipse.Java --launcher.ini /home/user/custom/eclipse.ini

It is also possible to start Eclipse with command line parameters:

flatpak run org.eclipse.Java -vmargs -Xmx4g -Dmy.sysprop=some_value

No Splashscreen Image

As the splash is stored as legacy BMP try

yum install gdk-pixbuf2-modules-extra

to fix it when using an Eclipse supplied installer.


Most of the Fedora "free java" people hang out on #fedora-java on Libera. The Eclipse Linux Tools upstream project is also responsible for packaging across distributions.