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Revision as of 10:14, 15 July 2013 by Phracek (talk | contribs)

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Developer Assistant GUI


The feature aims to provide GUI for back end devassistant package.


Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora 20
  • Last updated: 2013-07-15
  • Percentage of completion: 50%

Detailed Description

This feature aims to provide GUI front end for back end devassistant package which is command line utility.

Benefit to Fedora

Make the development on Fedora easier for beginners from window managers


  • creating wizard for each specific part for devassistant backend
  • all information will be taken from devassistant engine
    • selecting type of project per language
    • specification project path and name
    • specification what extension will be used during project generation
    • showing log window with all actions in tree dialog

Upgrade/compatibility impact

How To Test

Try to install package containing setup for your favourite language.

User Experience

Developer Assistant GUI will be GUI tool for faster setting projects based on devassistant backend


devassistant package

Contingency Plan

Do not ship the result if not ready. Since the feature is not required for anything else in the system, there will be no complications if not shipped.


Man pages will be primary source for documentation.

Release Notes

Developer Assistant GUI feature will provide graphical user interface for back end devassistant feature [[ ]]