From Fedora Project Wiki

Developer Assistant GUI


The feature aims to provide GUI for devassistant package.


Current status

DeveloperAssistant GUI is done on the base of facelift discussion.

Current problem is with cancelling of job (SOLVED)

DeveloperAssistant creator GUI started.

Basic draft of design will done during two weeks.

Detailed Description

This feature aims to provide GUI frontend for devassistant package which currently only works on commandline.

Developer Assistant GUI is separated into three parts: Main GUI page contains matrix of languages and their subassistans (if are available). User see tooltips like what each language does. Next page contains information needed for project creation like project name, directory where project will be stored and several options (optional) which can be processed during the project creation.

Options are provided by devassistant engine.

The last page is log window where user see what action is currently processing and what actions were done. The project creation process can be stop by user request.

After project creation user can look on github page (if was selected) and see what was uploaded into GitHub server.

Benefit to Fedora

Make development on Fedora easier for beginners who are afraid of/don't want to work with terminal.


  • Proposal owners:
    • creating wizard for each specific part for devassistant backend
    • all information will be taken from devassistant engine
    • GUI for creating assistants and checking with some yaml checker.
  • Other developers: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Release engineering: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Policies and guidelines: N/A (not a System Wide Change)

Upgrade/compatibility impact

How To Test

Install "devassistant" package, run devassistant-gui and experiment.

User Experience

Developer Assistant GUI will be GUI tool for faster setting projects based on devassistant backend.


Only devassistant package itself.

Contingency Plan

  • Contingency mechanism: None needed
  • Contingency deadline: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Blocks release? N/A (not a System Wide Change), No


Online documentation for GUI will be accessible at our current documentation site (, the same generated html documentation will also be accessible in a newly introduced devassistant-docs subpackage.

Release Notes

Developer Assistant GUI feature will provide graphical user interface for generating new projects using devassistant Features/DevelopersAssistant. More in-depth release notes will be produced when we actually do the release.