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2009-03-17 0500 UTC on #fedora-meeting at Freenode


Please add agenda items or propose to fedora-i18n-list ahead of the meeting.

  • IBus
  • F11
  • I18n Bug day
  • Open discussion


juhp fedora-i18n meeting is starting here shortly Mar 17 14:58
mharris I always found "i18n" a funny way to abbreviate that. Mar 17 14:59
mharris Since it is an abbreviation of the English word, and so the abbreviation isn't very international ;) Mar 17 14:59
<--kulll_ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) Mar 17 15:00
juhp mharris: true Mar 17 15:00
juhp I would not mind another name... :) Mar 17 15:01
tagoh3 dunno who/when actually brought it up Mar 17 15:01
<--ankit has quit ("Off for the day !!!") Mar 17 15:01
mharris Been around since the 70's or 80's no? Mar 17 15:01
mharris that and l10n Mar 17 15:01
tagoh3 is it so old? Mar 17 15:02
-->asgeirf (n=asgeirf@nat/redhat/x-cdf6092162b87aa6) has joined #fedora-meeting Mar 17 15:02
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juhp I18N/Meetings/2009-03-17 Mar 17 15:02
mharris "Due to their length, the terms are frequently abbreviated to the numeronyms i18n (where 18 stands for the number of letters between the i and the n in internationalization, a usage coined at DEC in the 1970s or 80s[1])" Mar 17 15:02
mharris ;) Mar 17 15:03
juhp oh is that what they call them cool Mar 17 15:03
tagoh3 aha Mar 17 15:03
juhp mharris: thanks for that - didn't know they went that far back Mar 17 15:03
juhp learnt a new word... Mar 17 15:04
mharris I wasn't totally sure either, just tried to remember the first time I saw i18n in usage.  :) Mar 17 15:04
mharris which word, "numeronyms"? I never heard that one before. :) Mar 17 15:05
juhp ping paragn Mar 17 15:05
-->ankit (n=ankit@ has joined #fedora-meeting Mar 17 15:05
juhp hmm who else is missing? Mar 17 15:06
paragn juhp, pong Mar 17 15:06
juhp ok let's get started Mar 17 15:06
juhp # IBus Mar 17 15:07
juhp Mar 17 15:08
juhp there will be an ibus project meeting on Friday, but if there is anything we should discuss now we can Mar 17 15:09
-->K410 (n=Kaio@fedora/Kaio) has joined #fedora-meeting Mar 17 15:09
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-->warren (n=warren@redhat/wombat/warren) has joined #fedora-meeting Mar 17 15:11
tagoh3 nope from me. Mar 17 15:12
juhp warren informed me he did a usability test with a Japanese windows user and got some helpful feedback and going to file some bugs based on that Mar 17 15:12
juhp sorry was just going through the latest bugs Mar 17 15:12
warren I will transcribe all the notes into text and file bugs tomorrow Mar 17 15:12
warren 15 pages of handwritten notes Mar 17 15:13
juhp Pravin isn't here but nearly finished ibus-sayura for Sinhala Mar 17 15:13
juhp warren: awesome! <applause/> :) Mar 17 15:13
warren juhp: 2 hours of user testing, Windows IME vs SCIM vs ibus Mar 17 15:13
juhp fantastic effort! Mar 17 15:13
warren surprisingly anthy is a lot better than I thought it was. Mar 17 15:14
warren only ibus implemntation has problems Mar 17 15:14
warren anyway, I really need to sleep Mar 17 15:14
juhp we know that ibus-anthy needs some love - we need to assign the package to someone familiar with anthy/Japanese and delegate some bugs Mar 17 15:14
juhp warren: hehe :) Mar 17 15:15
warren (do you have Japanese engineers?) Mar 17 15:15
juhp well there is tagoh3 and me at least Mar 17 15:15
-->yshao (n=yshao@ has joined #fedora-meeting Mar 17 15:15
juhp will try to work something out Mar 17 15:15
juhp I think bug 488666 is the most serious bug currently for f11 Mar 17 15:17
buggbot Bug medium, low, ---, phuang, ASSIGNED, candidate window cursor keybindings not intuitive Mar 17 15:17
juhp I think it also came up in Warren's testing Mar 17 15:18
juhp and we talked about in the last ibus meeting Mar 17 15:18
juhp well if nothing else we can move on Mar 17 15:18
---knurd_afk is now known as knurd Mar 17 15:18
warren my notes will have very specific examples of key bindings being wrong Mar 17 15:18
-->sdziallas ( has joined #fedora-meeting Mar 17 15:19
juhp # great Mar 17 15:20
juhp oops Mar 17 15:20
juhp great Mar 17 15:20
juhp # F11 Mar 17 15:20
juhp I think f11 beta is freezing now, but still some churn Mar 17 15:21
juhp I think behdad pushed a new fontconfig which probably needs testing Mar 17 15:22
juhp Mar 17 15:22
*juhp tries it Mar 17 15:24
juhp that is also supposed to fix gdm lang menu breakage Mar 17 15:24
juhp any other f11 issues or concerns to discuss? Mar 17 15:24
juhp I think recent rawhide is installable so now is a good time to test for beta and after Mar 17 15:25
tagoh3 aha. good to hear. let me try later.. Mar 17 15:25
juhp though I did try today.. so can't guarantee :) Mar 17 15:26
*K410 is glad that dont need to use F11 alpha Mar 17 15:27
juhp let me see if I can see any target or blocker bugs Mar 17 15:28
juhp,ASSIGNED,NEEDINFO,MODIFIED&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=exact&email1=&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emailcc2=1&emailtype2=exact& Mar 17 15:32
buggbot <> (at Mar 17 15:32
juhp hmm not sure if hanja counts as a blocker or feature, but would be nice to have certainly Mar 17 15:33
juhp sorry again for the pause Mar 17 15:35
juhp updated tracker links on I18N/Bugs Mar 17 15:35
juhp,ASSIGNED,NEEDINFO,MODIFIED&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=exact&email1=&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emailcc2=1&emailtype2=exact& Mar 17 15:35
buggbot <> (at Mar 17 15:35
juhp ok mostly ibus stuff Mar 17 15:36
*juhp feels like we are missing more bugs Mar 17 15:37
juhp anything else for f11? Mar 17 15:37
juhp # I18n Bug day Mar 17 15:38
K410 I have fixed that 490496 yesterday but all bz comments are reverted? Mar 17 15:38
juhp bug 490496 Mar 17 15:38
buggbot Bug medium, low, ---, ajax, NEW, X hangs at GDM with intel modesetting Mar 17 15:38
juhp K410: ? Mar 17 15:38
K410 juhp☺ , thats ok, pls go on Mar 17 15:39
K410 490396 Mar 17 15:39
juhp K410: comments lost? Mar 17 15:40
K410 juhp☺ ok, I am doing it again just now. Mar 17 15:41
juhp ok Mar 17 15:41
juhp # I18n Bug day Mar 17 15:41
juhp I18N/Bugs Mar 17 15:41
juhp our bug count is up a bit again and now that we are in the bugfixing period for f11 I thought it would be good to do fedora-i18n bug day to get on top of them a bit Mar 17 15:42
juhp maybe in two weeks time - after Beta is out? Mar 17 15:45
juhp what do people think? Mar 17 15:46
-->zodbot` (n=supybot@nat/redhat/x-6ce5ab2ec3a0b779) has joined #fedora-meeting Mar 17 15:46
juhp today there are 190 i18n-team bugs open Mar 17 15:46
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tagoh3 sounds good to me Mar 17 15:47
juhp then I will send out a announcement later - perhaps we can coordinate something with fedora-qa too Mar 17 15:47
juhp cool Mar 17 15:47
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juhp # Open Discussion Mar 17 15:49
juhp anyone brought any other topics along and come up with anything else to talk about? Mar 17 15:50
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*juhp was just looking at open reviews Mar 17 15:50
juhp Review&bug_status=NEW,ASSIGNED,NEEDINFO,MODIFIED&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=exact&email1=&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emailcc2=1&emailtype2=exact& Mar 17 15:52
juhp now that ibus-table-cangjie is in fedora the rest of the tables should be easier to do Mar 17 15:54
juhp well if there is nothing else... ? Mar 17 15:54
juhp then let's close the meeting today Mar 17 15:55
<--sdziallas has quit ("Ex-Chat") Mar 17 15:55
juhp thanks to everyone who joined :) Mar 17 15:55

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