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Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes 2006-03-23
: AlexMaiercds
: ClairShawpuneet_batura
: PuneetBaturaCyberSpy
: LeeJosephgregdek
: GregDeKoenigsbergMrTom
: ThomasCanniotke4qqq
: DavidNalleyJohnAlvero
: JohnAlveromjbrej
: MartinBrejrwhetsel
: RobertWhetselabompard
: AurelienBompardmariogamboa
: MarioGamboaGeroldKa
: GeroldKassubegreendisease
: JackAboutboulJorgeTorres
: JorgeTorresFrancescoUgolini
: FrancescoUgolinijosetarazona
: JoseTarazonatchung
: ThomasChung
- SankarshanMukhopadhyay
- ChitleshGoorah
- File:Ambassadors Meetings 2006(2d)03(2d)23_fedora-ambassadors-2006-03-23.txt
Before the Meeting
- AlexMaier reports
- no private conversations in the chat
- please keep your hellos to the times outside meeting
- simply watch what others are doing and do not interrupt
- if you want to ask someting type "?" and wait
- mjbrej: fedora unity project has a good set of groundrules on their page...
- lxmaier: famsco is considering a set of rules
- lxmaier: we will publish when we're done
Priority 1 - Item 1: FAMSCO Updates
- AlexMaier reports
- we have a budget
- Total Fedora Marketing budget for 6 months: 46 K
- DVD production: 15K
- Schwag production: 7K
- Video contest: 5K
- Ambassadors budget: 20K
- Large events: 5K
- Small events/local initiatives: 5K
- Travel/incidentals: 5K
- Reusable kits: 5K
- Famsco will be responsible for the Ambassadors part of the money
- e.g. 20 K (Ambassadors budget)
- famsco is working out guidelines for spending money
- we will publish once we're done
- the budget group anticipates to publish the guidelines next week
- we will have a set of rules for requesting money
- and for getting reimbursed
- all amounts are in USD
- AlexMaier reports
- we have decided to go with binary-only, single-sided DVDs
- greendisease: what was the decision behind binary only dvd?
- lxmaier: there was a discussion on the list
- lxmaier: and it appeared to be the best solution for the limited money we have
- gregdek: Basically:
- gregdek: Time ran out to figure out the BEST answer for no source for FC5 DVDs.
- gregdek: Instead...we'll having single-sided FC5 DVDs with binary only.
- gregdek: We have 10k burned.(Or will soon.)
- gregdek: 3k will be at FUDCon Boston...and the other 7k will be warehoused and shipped to events worldwide on demand.
Priority 1 - Item 2: Review upcoming events
- Review the FedoraEvents for upcoming 3 months.
- Mar 25, 2006 FLISOL 2006 DF, Brazil - HugoCisneiros
- HugoCisneiros not present
need to follow up
- Mar 25, 2006 CLUG Installfest Cincinnati, Ohio - PatrickMcKelvey
- PatrickMcKelvey not present
need to follow up
- Apr 3-6, 2006 LinuxWorld Boston 2006 Boston, MA, USA - MatthewMiller, JackAboutboul
- JackAboutboul reports
- okay everything is all finalized for linuxworld
- we will have 2 booths
- the fedora booth in the .org pavilion
- and then the install pavilion sponsored by us and pogo linux
- basically a big install fest
- we also have a fedora BOF session on april 5 at 5:30 i believe
- BOF (birds of a feather) session: its basically when anyone interested in a
- topic gets together in a room and hangs out and talks
- we usually provide donuts and soda, in true geek food fare fashion
- Apr 7, 2006 FUDCon Boston 2006 Boston, MA, USA - MatthewMiller, JackAboutboul
- JackAboutboul reports
- okay, so everything is set for the conference
- we have all the speakers set
- and we are updating the schedule though
- check the page for anything you need
- transport updates
- we are also working on the streaming video
- hopefully we will have good quality video and be able to produce a dvd afterward
- i would like to find out if other ambassadors are planning on coming
- Apr 11, 2006 Local LUG, Campux Lille, France - ThomasCanniot
- ThomasCanniot - nothing to add since last time
- April 12, 2006 Fedora Talk Uttar Pradesh - PuneetBatura
- PuneetBatura reports
- talking basically on FOss at my school
- a presentation on FC 5
- with how user friendly now it is
- and one to one interaction with the students
- on their respective queries since its my school
- so auditorium is ready for the presentation
- Apr 19-22, 2006 FISL 7.0 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil - RodrigoPadula
- RodrigoPadula not present
need to followup
- gregdek: I don't know anything about the event...
- gregdek: ...but I'm concerned about the prospect of losing schwag in customs...
- lxmaier: gregdek: you are right, we had this problem before
- gregdek: ...and I'm wondering if it makes sense to try to get DVDs burned locally and reimburse.
- lxmaier: would you mind contacting RodrigoPadula about it gregdek?
- gregdek: Will do.
- June 23-25, 2006 Journe du Libre 4 Strasbourg, France - ChitleshGoorah
- ChitleshGoorah not present
Priority 1 - Item 3: Promotional material for Kadischi
- DavidNalley reports
- ke4qqq: Videos were reworked for FC5, and posted, nothing further
Priority 1 - Item 4: FC5 Tours
- RahulSundaram, FrancescoUgolini not present
Priority 2 - Item 1: Video contest
- AlexMaier reports
- will run an Open Video contest to promote open format media
- support in Fedora, and we asked CC for some help on this.
- Here is a brief description of what we plan to do:
- We want to run the contest and we have about 5K USD to run it.
- We want to give small prizes to all submissions, and have one big prize for the winner.
- Small prizes will most likely be blue/white flip-flops
- with a tagline "Runs on Fedora" or "I run Fedora" or "I run on Fedora" or something similar.
- The big prize has not yet been decided upon yet.
- We could use a good idea from CC (Creative Commons)
- All submissions shall be:
- 1. in OGG format
- 2. about Freedom, Openness, Collaboration
- 3. CC-licensed
- 4. not necessarily advertisements
- We have the bandwidth to host the contest and the archive once the contest is over.
- tchung: I just want to point out it's not "Fedora Video Contest" but "Open Video Contest" now
- cds: Maybe a fedora server/computer for video production would be a good prize?
- tchung and lxmaier invite everyone to help out
- greendisease: you can have nike sneakers custom made with text on them for like 150 bucks
- lxmaier: i will introduce the discussion about the prizes on the list
- ruimoreira: upcoming events here in portugal ... 5 seminars on linux and OSS
- ruimoreira: and a few hands on labs on linux
- lxmaier: post them on FedoraEvents -
Priority 2 - Item 2: Schwag pipeline and a Standard Ambassadors Survival Kit
- GregDeKoenigsberg reports
- Re: Ambassadors survival kit...
-'s in production now, but will come out after DVDs, since they're highest priority.
- Looking at mid-April store availability. (CoolStuff Store)
Priority 2 - Item 3: Presentations for Ambassadors
- RahulSundaram not present
- gregdek: I propose OPL w/o restrictions for slide decks.
- gregdek: Just like wiki and docs.
- tchung: +1
- lxmaier: +1
Priority 2 - Item 4: FedoraLibraries
- ChitleshGoorah not present
- ke4qqq: did we ever get the ISBN number for the dvd?
- lxmaier: not that i am aware of...
- lxmaier: ke4qqq: want to raise this issue on the list to revive it?
- ke4qqq: I will
Priority 3 - Item 1: Fedora Community Free Media Project
- ThomasChung reports
- Basically it's a a volunteer initiative by local Fedora Ambassadors or Fedora Contributors
- who's willing to burn DVDs and ship them with their own expenses.
- we already received over 100 Free media requests which is well over our limit at this point
- so I had to close the request form for now.
- CyberSpy: I have a standalone duplication system and cases of blank media, I want to work very closely with that project
- tchung: great. talk to me after the meeting
- ke4qqq: any chance of moving this to sending out the pressed media once it becomes available, in the official jacket?
- lxmaier: ke4qqq: i doubt we have enough money to do this...
- lxmaier: but we might ask the individual ambassadors to send out the DVDs once we send DVDs to them in bulk
- gregdek: The cost of sending out individual DVDs may be pretty high.
- gregdek: The plan now is to send them in lots of 50
- cds: Nice idea, about sending out the pressed CDs, but our supply & budget is low,
- cds: and is pretty much why not just "anyone" can get Swag.
- gregdek: I'm *really* happy to hear *any* creative ideas on this topic, for what it's worth. :)
- tchung: our list for this topic is
- lxmaier: if you want to add items to the schedule, feel free to do so BEFORE the meeting
- lxmaier: