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Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes 2006-03-30
: GeroldKassubekushal
: KushalDastchung
: ThomasChungcds
: ClairShawgja
: TejasDinkarEkushey
: RussellJohnlxmaier
: AlexMaieriWolf
: JeffreyTadlockJoseTarazona
: JoseTarazonaJorgeTorres
: JorgeTorresmosp
: MikaelJacobssonEitch
: HugoCisneirosrwhetsel
: RobertWhetselabompard
: AurelienBompardMrTom
: ThomasCanniotmspevack
: MaxSpevackAutOPSY
: JasperHartlineCyberSpy
: LeeJosephsplinux
: DamienDurandmether
: RahulSundaram
- FrancescoUgolini
- File:Ambassadors Meetings 2006(2d)03(2d)30_fedora-ambassadors-2006-03-30.txt
- See
- Meeting Rules - AlexMaier
- if you wish to speak, please type "!"
- i will recognize you to speak with > YourNickname
- please wait until I recognize you
- 1.1 - Famsco Update
- AlexMaier reports
- Famsco met on Monday
- we have discussed three things:
- 1. reports from task groups (Budget, Events/Schwag, MembersServices)
- all task groups are making some progress
- budget group will post the guidelines for requesting money/resources and getting reimbursed for expenses on the list soon (today or tomorrow)
- 2. LinuxTag
- There was a need to reopen the discussion about canceling it, as BruderTux (FlorianBrand) requested to reconsider
- Famsco voted to re-confirm our earlier decision
- regrets to BruderTux
- 3. Chairperson election
- Famsco has confirmed AlexMaier as permanent chair--until re-election :)
- gja: When ARE the re elections for the Steering Committee as well as for the chair person?
- lxmaier: gja: Famsco has no rules for that yet :)
- tchung: we have no plan for re-election until next year at this point.
- tchung: but if you believe you're a (good) candidate for famsco, please let us know.
- GeroldKa: maybe there should be recognized some "rules" for the famsco, voting, "job description" etc?
- 1.2 - Review upcoming events
- Review the FedoraEvents for upcoming 3 months.
- Make sure they're correct. Make sure we've got ambassadors covering them.
- Mar 30, 2006 30 minutes presentation Strasbourg, FRANCE ChitleshGoorah
- ChitleshGoorah not present
- Apr 3-6, 2006 LinuxWorld Boston 2006 Boston, MA, USA - LinuxWorld US MatthewMiller, JackAboutboul
- MatthewMiller, JackAboutboul not present
- Apr 4, 2006 A day with Fedora Durgapur, West Bengal, India KushalDas
- KushalDas reports
- Ok, this is by my lug
- will have arround 150 students mainly 1st & 2nd years
- I will talk about FC5, and another on livecd
- Also asked some other guys to talk about translation on fedora
- A special one will be on Fedora: for the students
- Next day a install fest(arround 50 students)
- The event is open to every one
- got arround 60 tees & 15 dvds(FC4)
- I will take 20CDS (FC5)
- Hope the event will go perfectly
- Apr 7, 2006 FUDCon Boston 2006 Boston, MA, USA MatthewMiller, JackAboutboul
- MatthewMiller, JackAboutboul not present
- Apr 11, 2006 Local LUG - Campux France, Lille. ThomasCanniot
- ThomasCanniot reports
- nothing to add since last time, just bought some dvds to distribute them :)
- i bought blank dvds then i will be able to burn them on demand but i will prepare 10 i think
- April 12, 2006 Fedora Talk Uttar Pradesh, India PuneetBatura
- PuneetBatura not present
- FISL 7.0 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil RodrigoPadula
- RodrigoPadula not present
need to follow up
- Lanwelche Strasbourg, FRANCE ChitleshGoorah
- ChitleshGoorah not present
- Journée du Libre 4 Strasbourg, France. ChitleshGoorah
- ChitleshGoorah not present
- tchung: I think he sent out his current status on list.
- Linux
Tag Germany (re-open)
- GeroldKassube reports
- we do not get the rooms for a FUDCon
- maybe we'll get two rooms for maybe 60 to 120 people
- BruderTux and me don't think, that this makes sense
- but we both think it's a must to be presented at the event himself
- and we try all to get a booth
- we're looking forward to have some addional help
- but this depends on the size of the booth we'll get from Linux
- I'll reopen the event later on the wiki
- 1.3 - Promotional material for Kadischi
- DavidNalley not present
- 2.1 - Video contest
- AlexMaier reports
- so i have not heard back from Creative Commons yet.
- I will have to ping them again this week and see what's going on
- i will also get in touch with a merchandise producing company to manufacture schwag for the contest
- the prize money is NOT 5K
- 5 K is all we got to run the contest
- a larger chunk of if will be spent on small giveaways
- the main prize shall not be more expensive than
- USD 500 to make the contest be easier to conduct legally across the world
- 2.2 - Schwag pipeline and a Standard Ambassadors Survival Kit
- GregDeKoenigsberg not present
- CyberSpy: Would an Ambassador Survival Kit include a carboard cutaway kiosk of some sort?
- lxmaier: the survival kits are planned to include a table throw and/or a vinyl banner
- lxmaier: not all ambassadors will be able to get them at once, b/c they are expensive, but we are looking to produce a few each quarter
- 2.3 - Presentations for Ambassadors
- RahulSundaram not present (at the moment)
- 2.4 - FedoraLibraries
- ChitleshGoorah not present
- 3.1 - Fedora Community Free Media Project
- ThomasChung reports
- well, I've finially given away 50 DVDs so far.
- The request form is still closed since I have no more DVDs left.
- I might burn 50 more next week.
- CyberSpy: I have 400 burnt, I need some sort of label image so I can print on them (like the old blue FC2 isos), and 100 more will be burnt today
- tchung: Once again, this is volunteer program so we don't have to put official label image
- JoseTarazona: I think we must use the same labels on CDs or DVDs, even if this is a volunteer program. Fedora must show a common and strong image to the public.
- cds: The topic about vendors/sponsoredMedia is being discussed off list, and we'll get back to interested parties once something is worked out.
- GeroldKa: these are not official labels, correct???!
- CyberSpy: Those are great, I'll use them if it's okay
- lxmaier: i hope we will be able to publish the ones we'll use for official DVDs--once we've got them
- 3.2 - Fedora Word Of Mouth Project
- ClairShaw reports
- In order to help Ambassadors concentrate on events, I've started up WOM.
- It's to help ambassadors (and others) get support for general publicing of fedora, telling individuals about it, etc.
- atm I'm just after as many people interested in helping/getting help as possible, and filling in common questions.
- JoseTarazona: It will be possible to create a spanish language version of the project?
- cds: I've love that :)
- lxmaier: then i guess cds and JoseTarazona should work together on this
- Misc
- tchung: just want to let you know, we won't have a meeting next week since most of famsco members will be at the Boston. :)
- mether: nothing to visit there (FC5 tour). it can be removed from schedule
Next Meeting
- 2006-04-06 22:00 UTC - Cancelled due to Fedora Events in Boston
- 2006-04-13 14:00 UTC
- See you in two weeks!