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Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes 2006-05-04
: AlexMaierMrTom
: ThomasCanniotChitleshGoorah
: ChitleshGoorahFrancescoUgolini
: FrancescoUgolinike4qqq
: DavidNalleyFrancescoUgolini
: FrancescoUgoliniCyberSpy
: LeeJosephMcGiwer
: PawelSadowskidrpixel
: ?mspevack
: MaxSpevackgomix
: ?rMenezes
: RodrigoMenezesSynTed
: TheodorosSynodinos
- ThomasChung
- GeroldKassube
- FlorianBrand
- KarlieRobinson
- File:Ambassadors Meetings 2006(2d)05(2d)04_fedora-ambassadors-2006-05-04.txt
- Ambassadors Schedule:
- Fedora Events:
Famsco Update
- lxmaier reports
- a meeting took place on monday
- you can see the transcript here:
- you can see next meeting's agenda here:
- a few highlights from the meeting:
- mspevack reports
- so we've been shipping DVDs all over the world the last month or two and it's *incredibly* expensive and not a very good method of spending our money
- we are looking into different alternative methods to help our ambassadors out with goods and money
- mspevack will write up a proposal for how to handle the distribution
- tchung reports
- Since last report, we have 6 more new members
- See
- As of 2006-04-30, we have 65 approved members (approved=signed CLA and have a Fedora account)
- lxmaier: do you want to expand on the spending calamity?
- mspevack:
- sure -- bottom line is that we've been slowly getting ourselves sucked into the business of global distribution
- mailing DVDs, shirts, etc from Raleigh all over the world
- it's just an inefficient use of money
- better use of money is to sponsor shows, and build up an infrastructure
- that allows people worldwide to make use of local production capability to produce DVDs, etc
- we've got a store set up here in the US that is about to go live, which allows people to order fedora stuff, and the shipping (within the US) is reasonably priced.
- A project for the next couple of months (we're gonna have Jack Aboutboul work on it) is figuring out how to replicate that kind of a setup internationally
- if we can get that in place, then the local ambassadors/folks putting on a small to mid-size show don't have to figure out how to get 100 DVDs made
- they can just order them from somewhere that's reasonably close by and not get killed on shipping
- so that's the grand vision -- and we need to try to make it happen
- lxmaier: mspevack: could you please update the budget table in the wiki with the spending, so all of the ambassadors can see what you're talking about
- MrTom: but ambassadors would have to *pay* for ordering stuffs wouldn't they ?
- mspevack: there's a few different scenarios:
- 1: just like it is now
- people request money for an event, some amount of money is given
- they spend that money as they see fit, and file a report with expenses, how it was spent, the gain, etc.
- and they are reimbursed
- 2: people want to do *even more* than the money that FAMSCO can provide directly
- so, people take the money that famsco is offering, but they also get even more stuff on their own, and then re-sell it at the event (for a small cost, think of it as a Fedora
Suggested Retail Price) and use those funds to recoup costs
- you could therefore have an event that is entirely self-sufficient
- but you don't have to do it that way if you don't want to
- it just increases the number of options for ambassadors and event organizers in the way they handle things
- MrTom: about the store you are talking about... will it be a public store? if yes, what would happen if the store run out of DVDs and that an important event will not be able to receive any dvds?
- mspevack:
- gregdek knows more, but yes, it will be a public store.
- They're going to be stocking thousands of DVDs, and if we see the numbers getting low, then we will make sure they make more
- but you don't want to make too many, or else FC6 comes out and all of a sudden you have a bunch of old discs that no one wants :_)
- McGiwer: i'm not sure if paying for the stuff is a good idea. i think it would be much better if the stuff at an event was given for free
- mspevack:
- Like I said, first of all, anyone who runs an event is always able to give stuff away for free
- BUT if someone *wants* to charge a small price for some things in order to recoup some costs, then that option will be made available
- and FAMSCO needs to set some guidelines around that to your other point
- FAMSCO is *not* saying that it will no longer contribute budget towards events
- what we are saying is that we're developing a system that hopefully will make it easier for events to happen,
- and allow them to happen at a lower cost, and with less direct intervention from famsco
- because that's a much more globally scalable solution
- ChitleshGoorah: It wouldb nice to have priority list for ambassadors who participates in order to prevent excesss of old cds on our stock
- McGiwer: i only want to comment the FAMSCO's decision: yeah, it indeed can be better than shipping the schwag all around the world, it will need just more personal commitment from the Ambassadors
Projects Reports
- FreeMedia
- lxmaier:
- tchung is not here to report, but my understanding is that we have a largish backlog
- however, we had a guy named Ryan join the Sponsored Media effort:
- Ryan's site has been added to Fedora Sponsored Media Vendors list
- he has a little bit of a different approach, in his case, you can simply pay for him to ship the DVD to the next person on the free media list
- you do not need to buy a CD for yourself
- VideoContest
- lxmaier:
- Video contest is almost ready to launch
- we have the judges panel, and we have the artwork done, waiting for approval from Red Hat brand
- once this is finished, we will rock-and-roll!
- Kadischi
- ChitleshGoorah:
- the Kadischi project as I said before on
- Jeremy has rewrote kadischi to fix bugs
- and soon we might expect an official livecd from Fedora as from Fedora 6T1
- nman64:
- Darko has expressed interest in returning to work on Kadischi this summer, possibly with another SoC project.
- May 3-6, 2006 LinuxTag Wiesbaden, Germany
- lxmaier: GeroldKa and BruderTux are both at the event at the moment
- ChitleshGoorah:
- I'll join the others on saturday
- I have proposed gerold to give me the fedora banners in the end for my event in Strasbourg next month just to save expenses
- May 12-14, 2006 ENSOL João Pessoa, Brazil
- rMenezes:
- Hugo Cisneiros is in Joao Pessoa right now
- he has a presentation and a booth
- I have some e-mails from him that I can sent to the list tomorrow
- lxmaier: cool, please build a wiki page with a report if you can, rMenezes
- May 20, 2006 Multimedia Day Cambrai, France
- MrTom:
- i will receive my brand new laptop in few days, it will help me a lot presenting the distro!
- About schwags, gregdek_gone told me he would send me some, I sent him an e-mail but I had no answer
- lxmaier: mspevack: do you know anything about schwag for MrTom?
- June 9-10, 2006 CarolinaCon Raleigh, NC USA
- CyberSpy:
- Everything is good to go, just need schwag or a link to whear I can purchas schwag
- I'll be speaking about Fedora and OSS at 2pm on Sat Jun 10... (lost connection)
- lxmaier: let's proceed and CyberSpy will report on the list and on the wiki
- ke4qqq: CarolinaCon (just for a general review) is mainly security related, tho heavily leaning towards OSS and *nix in general.
- June 23-25, 2006 Journée du Libre 4 Strasbourg, France
- ChitleshGoorah:
- I'm looking forward for Fedora banners that is been used in LinuxTag
- and this event lacks sponsors
- June 23-30, 2006 Fedora, Friends and Fun Virginia Beach, VA USA
- BobJensen not present
- July 22-23, 2006 LUGRadio Live! 2006 Wolverhampton, UK
- JonFautley not present
Next Meeting
- See Ambassadors Meetings for the next meeting date and time.