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Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes 2006-06-08
Meeting Time
- 2006-06-08 14:00 UTC
- #fedora-mktg on freenode
: AlexMaiertchung
: ThomasChungpuneet_batura
: PuneetBaturaEkushey
: RussellJohnke4qqq
: DavidNalleygomix
: GuillermoGomezbpepple
: BrianPeppleCyberSpy
: LeeJosephgregdek_gone
: GregDeKoenigsberg
- See and
- Famsco Update
- lxmaier: famsco met this tuesday
- lxmaier: summary is posted on
- lxmaier: highlights
- lxmaier: BobJensen will spearhead the creation of the fedora chroniclers group to make sure we have a group of people responsible for summarizing our activities
- lxmaier: RahulSundaram is in charge of creation of a set of policies for famsco elections and terms.
- lxmaier: this is not urgent, but very important. we will hopefully have a set of rules by September.
- Project Reports
- FreeMedia : ThomasChung
- For the month of June, we received 78 free media requests so far and we fulfilled 46 as of today.
- Beginning this month, we will accept only 100 free media requests per month.
- For more information, see
- VideoContest : AlexMaier
- we have the pages in QA and will hopefully be able to launch the contest by June 15 or so
- we have all prizes ready, and the main prize as well.
- we'll launch as soon as we have finished the pages.
- most of the content is to be found on
- Presentations : RahulSundaram
- not present
- Kadischi report : ChitleshGoorah
- not present
- tchung: Perhaps I should contact him aftet the meeting.
action item
- Fedora Events
- June 9-10, 2006 CarolinaCon Raleigh NC LeeJoseph
- CyberSpy: CarolinaCon begin tomorrow evening, I have FC5 is's and a presentation prepared, everything is ready, I have no shwag however
- lxmaier: did you get to talk with greg about schwag CyberSpy?
- CyberSpy: lxmaier: I sent an email and have recieved no response as of yet.
- CyberSpy: lxmaier: I will follow up after this meeting
- lxmaier: CyberSpy: i will ping mspevack and gregdek as well
action item
- June 15, 2006 Migrating to Linux North South Univeristy, Dhaka, Bangladesh RussellJohn
- Ekushey: it's a workshop, intended for the students of nsu
- Ekushey: we're hoping 150+ students will participate
- Ekushey: it'll be a day long event
- Ekushey: i'll add more information on the wiki page, soon
- June 17-20 NELS Bethel, Maine WarrenTogami
- WarrenTogami not present
- tchung: I believe Max's been working with him. I see the event in Famsco Budget table.
- June 23-30, 2006 Fedora, Friends and Fun Virginia Beach, VA USA BobJensen
- BobJensen not present
- lxmaier: anyone know anything?
- puneet_batura:
- Southern_Gentlem: we will be doing some presentations at the event but mainly it is a way for member and families to get to know eachother
- tchung: I received email from him.
- tchung: "I may not make it to the Ambassadors meeting, my father is having eye surgery to correct his eyes crossing in his old (80 in August) age."
- July 22-23, 2006 LUGRadio Live! 2006 Wolverhampton, UK JonFautley
- JonFautley not present
- July 24-28, 2006 OSCON 2006 Portland, OR, USA. RichardTuttle
- RichardTuttle not present
- tchung: According to BobJensen's email,
- tchung: "I talked to Jack about OSCON and I know he has talked to Max. He said he would be at the meeting tomorrow/today to give an update."
- Aug 14-17, 2006 LinuxWorld San Francisco 2006 San Francisco, CA, USA
- Aug 18, 2006 FUDCon San Francsico 2006 San Francisco, CA, USA
- No Ambassador assigned
- lxmaier: do we yet have an owner for this event?
- tchung: I sent out an email way back but nobody replied.
- tchung: I guess it's time to discuss LinuxWorld/FUDCon in San Francisco.
action item
- tchung: Let's ping Jack again.
- Aug 24-26, 2006 III Festival Software Livre da Bahia Lauro de Freitas, BA, Brazil HugoCisneiros, OthonBatista
- Both HugoCisneiros and OthonBatista not present
- Sept, 23, 2006 Cincinnati LUG DemoFest Cincinnati, OH, USA PatrickMcKelvey
- PatrickMcKelvey not present
- Fedora Schwag Update
- lxmaier: i am hearing that the fedora schwag is now available on from greg
- tchung: Wow! I see it at
- gregdek_gone: We've also got stickers and DVD packs coming to the external store, but apparently I need to complain more about that.
- Miscellaneous
- lxmaier: gregdek: any chance you have a few item to spare for CyberSpy?
- lxmaier: his event is tomorrow, and he had no chance to order
- tchung: The event is located in Raleigh NC
- tchung: Perhaps he can pick them up in person? :)
- CyberSpy: I can do that if it's okay
- lxmaier: okay, CyberSpy, connect with gregdek offline, maybe we got some stuff you can use
- lxmaier: i have no idea though whether we have any schwag there for you to pick up
- lxmaier: puneet_batura: you wanted to make an announcement?
- puneet_batura: yes my techical paper got selected in a NASA conference
- tchung: do you have any website where we can read about?
- puneet_batura:
- lxmaier: congratulations puneet_batura!
- tchung: puneet_batura, Is this conference in Washington, D.C. during September 26-28, 2006 ?
- puneet_batura: yes
- tchung: I see and I wish you best of luck!
- puneet_batura: thank you all for your warm wishes
Next Meeting
- See Ambassadors Meetings for the next meeting date and time.