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fabian_a Let's have Fedora Ambassadors Meeting EMEA. it's time
moixs :)
fabian_a Roll call, please
spevack Max
cwickert Christoph Wickert
moixs Steven Moix
wonderer1 Henrik Heigl
heffer Felix Kaechele
fabian_a Fabian Affolter
cassmodiah Simon Wesp
spevack wonderer1: did you get those tshirts from fabian_a ?
spevack wonderer1: sorry i couldn't send them out myself
wonderer1 spevack: not right now, but he said its on the way. thx.
wonderer1 spevack: np. CDs are allready here ;-)
fabian_a wonderer01: the package was delivered to Gerold last wednesday
fabian_a Just a reminder. We'll still follow our meeting protocol to make this meeting quick and efficient.
fabian_a Now, please open our meeting page at for the agenda.
fabian_a Report current status of FAmSCo
fabian_a fugolini: ping
fabian_a so, we skip this if spevack have no objections
spevack normally i would jump in with an update from famsco myself
spevack but i have been traveling the last week and a half (in Raleigh), so I missed the meeting and I'm a little bit behind.
spevack but i know the F10 release parties are being finalized
spevack and budget is also moving along
spevack I do have one request for everyone
spevack If you have had an event this quarter (since September 1) and not gotten me your requests for reimbursement yet, please do so this week. I want to try to get everything up to date with the budget.
spevack thanks!
spevack EOF
fabian_a i will keep that in mind
fabian_a Current status of Fedora Events (passed & upcoming), passed first
fabian_a anybody?
fabian_a about OpenExpo, please visit for the collection
spevack sure
spevack !
fabian_a spevack,
spevack i was at OpenExpo with Fabian
* spevack looks for his blog post
jenskuehnel !! Sorry I'm late! (JensKuehnel)
spevack It was a good event from the perspective of seeing several community members -- we had some good discussions, and pre-meeting for FAD topics (like LinuxTag)
spevack I think everyone would have liked to see more traffic overall at OpenExpo
spevack yesterday I spoke to 30 university students in The Hague University
spevack and that went really well
spevack i think we will get a few new contributors, I hope.
spevack tomorrow I am going to Athens, and I will be there until Saturday. Athens Digital Week invited me to give a keynote speech, which is on Friday
spevack I will see Dimitris Glezos as well.
spevack and i will see the Parthenon :)
spevack EOF
moixs !
fabian_a moixs,
moixs Nothing really fancy, but I gave a Fedora presentation in my university of applied sciences (HEIG-VD, part of the HES-SO)
moixs It was done instead of an Ubuntu one, and around 20 people got to install Fedora
moixs Note: they are still using RedHat 9 in the IT labs
moixs eof
fabian_a moixs: thanks
fabian_a if there is nothing else about past events in EMEA, let's move on to the upcoming events
wonderer1 !
cwickert !
fabian_a wonderer1,
wonderer1 Only small announcement: next weekend, 18th Oct. is the Linuxinfotag in Landau, germany. I'll be there with a little booth and some stuff.
wonderer1 if anybody wants to attend, come in :)
wonderer1 its also linked on the upcoming wiki page.
wonderer1 eof
fabian_a wonderer1: thanks
fabian_a so far we have still no confirmation about LinuxDay in Austria. I'm working on this and I hope to fix it soon
fabian_a red_alert sent some details about the FAD EMEA to all attendees
fabian_a anything else about any upcoming event?
cwickert !
fabian_a cwickert,
cwickert we have "I-Party" this weekend here in Münster, a linux install party with different distributions.
spevack !
Karl_le_Rouge !
cwickert I wonder if any of the german ambassadors can borrow me an XO, because last year we had huge interest in it
jenskuehnel !
cwickert not much more to say: I don't need a budget, I don't need posters, I have everything I need
fabian_a spevack,
cwickert eof
spevack Just wanted to remind folks again how important it is to make sure your FAD EMEA details are all in on the wiki.
spevack eof
fabian_a Karl_le_Rouge, then jenskuehnel
Karl_le_Rouge 17-18th Oct, this is JDLL (Free Software Days) in Lyon (France), Fedora will be represented by 2 ambassadors (Benoît Marcellin and myself) and some local users folks
Karl_le_Rouge we will have also a booth eof
jenskuehnel EOF
iranzo !
fabian_a iranzo,
iranzo Hi, I'm Pablo Iranzo, from Spain (sorry for the late start but was at dinner)
iranzo we're planning to get an official mirror at university with RedIris networking
wonderer1 !
iranzo they actually use it for internal deployment and after recent rains is not available, but plan to have it ready in order to coordinate it with a LUG presentation about F10 features)
iranzo will post on list when everything is ready, both at lug and with mirroring
iranzo eof
fabian_a iranzo: thanks
fabian_a wonderer1,
wonderer1 I have asked Famsco about Budget for the systems2008 in munic (spevack), so I get no last-response (I know it was late and expensive) can I assume, that there will be no budget for this year?
wonderer1 then I can move on with other projects and can better plan it for next year in detail...
wonderer1 maybe max has new infos.
wonderer1 eof
spevack i'm afraid there's just no budget for it, i'm sorry henrik.
wonderer1 Ok, np. I only want to be shure.
wonderer1 maybe next year :)
wonderer1 eof
spevack :)
fabian_a before we open up the floor, just one thing
fabian_a ambassadors poloshirt... Ambassadors/PoloShirt
* wonderer1 hopes that there will be available soon ;-)
fabian_a please add yourself to this list if you want one because we have to order soon.
fabian_a now, the stage is open
fabian_a there was a entry about moving the meeting time
wonderer1 red?
jenskuehnel !
fabian_a cassmodiah: ping
cassmodiah fabian_a jea?
fabian_a jenskuehnel,
jenskuehnel Has anyone who asked for a XO recieved one?
heffer !
iranzo !
wonderer1 jenskuehnel: yes, cwickert.
cwickert wonderer1: no, jens means something different
wonderer1 ok, sorry.
jenskuehnel From the last round, I got my deny about 3-5 days ago.
jenskuehnel I was talking about test fedora10 on it.
jenskuehnel Thanks fabian_a that exactly
fabian_a heffer, then iranzo
iranzo jenskuehnel, not me, but got two persons confirming being included, one at EMEA one in the States
iranzo (sorry)
heffer just wanted to not that a deadline should be added to the polo shirt wikipage
heffer eof
iranzo sorry, was answer for jenskuehnel two lines up. eof
fabian_a heffer: i'm in contact with kital about the shirt, he will place the oder
* gregdek is still fighting to get shipping info.
jenskuehnel EOF
wonderer1 !
fabian_a wonderer1,
spevack gregdek: do you want me to get you a fedora polo shirt?
wonderer1 I saw on the FAD EMEA page some things are not clear. Maybe red can later finish some things in detail, but maybe some folks can complete things. Just remind to look at the page.
wonderer1 eof
gregdek spevack: I'm good, dude. The wife won't let me have any more Fedora shirts.
fabian_a cassmodiah: about moving the meeting time for future meetings from UTC 20:00 to UTC 19:00
cassmodiah !
fabian_a cassmodiah: go ahead
cassmodiah i'm working from 4:00 to 13:00 (UTC +2) i have to stand up at 3:00. Meeting Time 22:00 (UTC +2) is a little problem for me. it would be a little bit better for me if we can move it without problems to 21:00 (UTC +2)... If there is a problem i will learn to life with it :-)
* spevack will come to the meeting at any time
cwickert !
cassmodiah eof
fabian_a the daylight saving will switch soon, but i personally think to go on with 22.00
fabian_a cwickert,
cwickert according to Communicate/FedoraMeetingChannel the channel is already occupied by the docs meeting at 19:00 utc
cwickert eof
cassmodiah !
fabian_a cassmodiah,
cassmodiah oh, sorry, i don't saw this. sorry...
cassmodiah eof
wonderer1 !
fabian_a wonderer1,
wonderer1 Only two small things: I saw at these "plates" wich goes to all guys there. Maybe thats an idea for FAD Meetings (not for this year, but next year or so).
* moixs has an exam tomorrow, going to bed
wonderer1 If somebody think that could be a good idea, please tell me and I look who we can buidl such things and what this can/will cost, maybe as "Free as free beer" thingy.
wonderer1 secodn:
wonderer1 I just build some themes/wallpapers for my Blackberry for Events. If also somebody was interrested in one please tell me. thanks.
wonderer1 eof
fabian_a Any more questions, remarks, or open issues before we close this meeting?
fabian_a Fedora Ambassadors Meeting EMEA 2008-10-15 has been adjourned. Next meeting in November 2008.

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