From Fedora Project Wiki
Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee - Archived Agenda
Topic | Owner | Notes | Due Date |
Merge of mailing list | FAmSCo | This discussion was closed | 2008-01-16 |
Chair Appointment | FAmSCo | FrancescoUgolini has been appointed | 2008-01-12 |
Vice-Chair Appointment | FrancescoUgolini | FabianAffolter has been appointed | 2008-01-12 |
Meeting time | FAmSCo | Meeting will be held weekly on Friday at 20.00 UTC | 2008-02-26 |
Opening of the FAmSCo mailing list archive | FAmSco | There was a proposal to open the FAmSCO mailing list and the archive for the public. | closed |
F9 Release Party Planning | JeffreyTadlock, FrancescoUgolini | Form details of F9 Release Party Planning | 2008-04-03 |
Wiki Migration Delegate | FabianAffolter | | done |
Topic | Owner | Notes | Due Date |
Merging ambassdors-list and marketing-list | FrancescoUgolini | See for more information. | 2007-02-19 |
Vice-Chair Appointment | ThomasChung | PatrickBarnes has been appointed | 2007-02-19 |
Ambassdors Award | ThomasChung | Awards have been shipped | 2007-02-19 |
Active/Inactive Ambassadors | FrancescoUgolini | This discussion was closed on April 10th | Closed |
Honored Ambassadors proposal | FrancescoUgolini | This discussion was closed on April 10th | Closed |
Topic | Owner | Notes | Due Date |
Task Group reports | Budget Member Services Schwag/Events |
Standing item | n/a |
FISL | MaxSpevack | Report on the progress of the event, how the payment went through, etc., so we can learn and improve the process for the future | Apr 19-22, 2006 |
LinuxWorld Toronto | GregDeKoenigsberg | Red Hat will pay travel costs if necessary, it won't come from the FAMSCO budget. | April 24-26, 2006 |
LinuxTag | GregDeKoenigsberg | Liaises with FlorianBrand and GeroldKassube and is responsible for supporting of the event team | May 3-6, 2006 |
LinuxTag update | GregDeKoenigsberg | Will follow up with GeroldKassube and FlorianBrand for an event post-mortem | 2006-05-22 |
Community requests | ThomasChung | Need an owner to be responsible for timely responses to the requests coming in through and | 2006-06-12 |
Ambassadors Chroniclers | ThomasChung | summarize Ambassadors activites week after week. | 2006-06-26 |
Brandfuel Shipping Cost | MaxSpevack | Max will contact Brandfuel (Red Hat Cool Stuff owner) regarding International Shipping Cost issue | 2006-06-26 |
Budget update | MaxSpevack | Max will go over the current spend and update the table on Budget with the recent numbers. | 2006-06-28 |
OSCON | GregDeKoenigsberg | The Conference Director for OSCON invited Fedora Project at 0 cost. | July 24-28, 2006 |
Ohio Linux Fest 2006 Procedure Questions | DavidBarzilay | JeffreyTadlock 's request has been approved for 700 DVDs and 20 T-shirts. Jeffrey can produce shirts locally and sell to get the money back in. DavidBarzilay will be Jeffrey's point person at Famsco, for all assistance necessary. MaxSpevack handled making sure Jeffrey got what he needed. |
2006-08-16 |
Famsco re-election | AlexMaier | Familiarize FAmSCo with the new Election Rules and set the Election date. New election rules written by Max and Alex, due to lack of action of previous item owner for over 3 months. |
2006-11-04 |
Shirt production in PL | MaxSpevack | PawelSadowski has requested us to help him produce some Fedora T-Shirts he will distribute at the events he attends. Quote has been supplied. Production approved. MaxSpevack to reimburse Pawel. | 2006-11-04 |
New funding round for Brazilian Ambassadors | DavidBarzilay (w/ MaxSpevack) | Define and approve amount + operation | Over Due |
New contribution profile for David Barzilay | DavidBarzilay (w/ FAMSCO) | Discuss "local community building consultant" role | Over Due |
CafeConf event in Buenos Aires, Argertina | DavidBarzilay (w/ FAMSCO) | Discuss participation worthiness | Over Due |
Schwag Pipeline | RobertWhetsel | Create a pipeline and guidelines to distribute schwag | Over Due |
Schwag guidelines | MaxSpevack (w/ JackAboutboul ) | Create a set of guidelines to distribute schwag and to produce it locally | Over Due |