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FAmSCo Meeting Minutes: 2006-05-08
Meeting Time
- 2006-05-09 03:00 UTC (Monday in US)
: GregDeKoenigsberglxmaier
: AlexMaierEvilBob
: BobJensennman64
: PatrickBarnes
: ThomasChung
Meeting Summary
- See Meetings page for current agenda
Fedora Store
- gregdek: production delays, no luck today, they'll give me an ETA as soon as they can
- lxmaier:
- I have a question on bundget
- why did we subtract the cost of DVDs and shipment from the budget?
- i thought the DVD portion of the budget was separate
gregdek had to leave IRC for an emergency.
Membership Services
- nman64: I think we've had a couple of people join up, but I don't have the name and number tracking that tchung does.
tchung reports off line:
- We have 3 new members since last report
- See for their names
- As of 2006-05-08, we have 70 apporoved (signed CLA and joined Ambassadors group officially) members
- See for their names
- Evil
Bob: nman64: has been very helpful getting people through the accounts system I know
- nman64:
- Other than basic tracking, there's not much to be done. We've got templates and instructions.
- The process of sending welcome messages is manual, as is the current tracking process.
- I work to solve issues as they arise, and I intend to work on some automation, but there's not much else to it.
- Evil
Bob: I think it can be handled by two people but there are times when odd hours things come up with accounts I almost feel useful
- nman64: tchung rarely visits IRC, so Bob and I are usually the only ones to handle questions on IRC.
- Evil
- we have not been communitcating with in the group yet but I would like to get a "weekly report" going
- we should be able to do that via email it would help with troubleshooting I think
- lxmaier: that would be really cool--to have a quantifiable measure of what famsco groups do for the members
- nman64: BTW, is there anyone writing the Ambassadors beat for the Weekly Reports?
- lxmaier: nman64: nope, no-one i know of
tchung reports off line:
- Yes, I've been updating Weekly Reports every week since beginning of April.
- See
- lxmaier: do we want to start a project of the Ambassadors Chroniclers or such? folks who summarize Ambassadors activites week after week
- Evil
Bob: I will put this as a task for me
- nman64:
- That might be overkill. We just need someone to grab the latest information from meeting summaries and build a single, short piece on it.
- That can be submitted with the regular Weekly Reports.
- Evil
Bob: I think this is a good idea overall
- nman64: I know Max was hoping that all of the projects would submit pieces for the Weekly Reports.
- Evil
Bob: Lets see what we can work out with Thomas in the next week
Engaging or Cleansing
- Evil
Bob: Have we started cleaning out the "ambassadors that are not active"?
- nman64: No pruning has been done at this point
- lxmaier: my view is, they do not hurt us, and we should try to engage them instead of cleansing them out
- Evil
Bob: I know the reminders are going out but are the tasks getting done?
- nman64: Progress in that area is slow.
- Evil
Bob: is the reminder system working as it now exists?
- lxmaier: i would say, if they don't have the edit privileges, they can't do us much harm
- Evil
Bob: Maybe a personal contact and "push" would help?
- lxmaier: yeah, that may help
- nman64: We really need to get all ambassadors on the same page, or things are bound to be more complicated than is necessary.
- Evil
Bob: Well I picked up two tasks....;^)
Next Meeting
- 2006-05-15 23:00 UTC
- channel: #fedora-famsco (this is an invitation-only private channel)