From Fedora Project Wiki

Which tests to run

Test coverage page
This page provides information about test coverage for the tests on this page across all the composes for the current release: it can help you see which test cases most need to be run.

Tests with a Milestone of Alpha, Beta or Final are the most important. Optional tests are less so, but still useful to run. The milestone indicates that for that milestone release or a later one to be approved for release, the test must have been run against the release candidate build (so at Beta, all Alpha and Beta tests must have been run, for instance). However, it is important to run the tests for all milestones as early and often as possible. Please refer to the test coverage page linked above and try to find and run tests which have not been run at all, or not run recently, for the current release.

How to test

1. Download one or more media for testing:

Image s390x
nightly compose path image

2. Perform one or more of the test cases and add your results to the table below

  • You can submit results by editing the page directly for reporting test results.

3. If a test fails, file a bug report. You may propose the bug as a release blocker or freeze exception bug for the appropriate release - see blocker bug process and freeze exception bug process.

Tracker bugs

  • ...
Don't install updates
Don't install updates before performing any of the tests, as when you are testing pre-releases, available updates are not part of the proposed released package set.
Virtual machine testing
In most cases, testing in a virtual machine is OK.


See the table below for a sample format for test results. All test results are posted using the result template.

Test Result Explanation Code Entered
Untested - This test has not been run, and is available for anyone to contribute feedback. {{result|none}}
Pass pass robatino
Passed - The test has been run and the tester determine the test met the expected results {{result|pass|robatino}}
Inprogress inprogress adamwill
Inprogress - An inprogress result is often used for tests that take a long time to execute. Inprogress results should be temporary and change to pass, fail or warn. {{result|inprogress|adamwill}}
Fail fail jlaska [1] [2]
Failed - Indicates a failed test. A link to a bug must be provided. See Template:Result for details on providing bug information.
  1. RHBZ #XYZ
  2. RHBZ #ZXY
Warning warn rhe
Warning - This test completed and met the expected results of the test, but other issues were encountered during testing that warrant attention.
  1. Brief description about the warning status
{{result|warn|rhe}} <ref>Brief description about the warning status</ref>
Pass pass hongqing
Warning warn kparal
Multiple results - More people can easily provide results to a single test case. {{result|pass|hongqing}} {{result|warn|kparal}}
Pass pass previous <build> run
Result from previous test run - This test result is directly moved from the test run of previous <build>. {{result|pass|previous <build> run}}
Unsupported - An unsupported test or configuration. No testing is required.

Test Matrix

Please click [show] in each table to view the tests of each media installation, and click [edit] to post your test results using the syntax in Key Section.

Default boot and install

Milestone Test Case z/VM
Alpha Server
Alpha Everything

User interface

Milestone Test Case z/VM
Alpha QA:Testcase_Anaconda_User_Interface_Text
Alpha QA:Testcase_Anaconda_User_Interface_VNC


Milestone Test Case z/VM
Alpha QA:Testcase_base_initial_setup
Alpha QA:Testcase_base_startup
Alpha QA:Testcase_base_system_logging
Alpha QA:Testcase_base_update_cli
Final QA:Testcase_Services_start
Final QA:Testcase_base_selinux
Final QA:Testcase_base_service_manipulation


Milestone Test Case z/VM
Beta QA:Testcase_upgrade_dnf_current_server
Beta QA:Testcase_upgrade_dnf_current_minimal
Beta QA:Testcase_upgrade_dnf_current_server_encrypted
Beta QA:Testcase_upgrade_dnf_previous_server
Beta QA:Testcase_upgrade_dnf_previous_minimal
Beta QA:Testcase_upgrade_dnf_previous_previous_encrypted