Bug Triage Meeting :: 2009-11-24
- Agenda: https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-test-list/2009-November/msg01004.html
- Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2009-11-24/fedora-meeting.2009-11-24-15.11.html
- Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2009-11-24/fedora-meeting.2009-11-24-15.11.txt
- Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2009-11-24/fedora-meeting.2009-11-24-15.11.log.html
- adamw
- tk009
- mcepl
- iarlyy
- hdia
- wwoods
- Tech33
- johe
- poelcat
- daelious
- skvidal
- buggbot
- SMParrish_mobile
Meeting summary
- roll call
- Housekeeping
Ongoing - A reminder of ongoing housekeeping tasks. BugZappers/HouseKeeping/OnGoing
Updating the Components and Triagers List - Discussion on updating the critical components list and confirming active triagers. BugZappers/HouseKeeping/FirstDayDevel
* ACTION: tk009 to investigate methods for updating the components list.
- Mentors
Discussion started on mentoring, no real progress but a start.
- New Members of the Bugzappers
8 new members for November, please keeps an eye out and help them get started.
- Request Removals
Procedural information
- Marking bugs as triaged
mcepl's proposal to add the 'triaged' keyword to all assigned bugs against currently release versions.
* ACTION: mcepl contacts dkl to add Triaged keyword to all open ASSIGNED bugs excluding FutureFeatures and anaconda component (anything else?)
- open floor: abrt dupe flood
* ACTION: wwoods to talk to abrt team about working together on the 'oops server' idea * ACTION: mcepl to talk to abrt guys about improving both automatic dupe detection and assistance for manual dupe detection for abrt-reported bugs. * ACTION: adamw to report to existing -devel thread that bugzappers considers the dupe flood a problem, and talk to abrt guys about retroactive dupe detection in bugzilla.