ARM on x86 with libvirt/virt-manager
Fix running ARM VMs on x86 hosts using standard libvirt tools libvirt virsh, virt-manager and virt-install.
- Name: Cole Robinson
- Email:
- Release notes owner:
Current status
Detailed Description
qemu has an ARM emulator that works well and is actively used in the Fedora ARM effort. However libvirt and virt-manager currently have issues launching qemu-system-arm VMs, mostly by encoding x86 assumptions in the generated command line that cause qemu-system-arm to fail to start. Let's fix it!
Benefit to Fedora
- ARM developers can now use virt-manager/libvirt to manage ARM VMs without having to hack around it
- Fedora QA can use standard tools to test ARM in its bid for Primary Architecture
- Packagers who want to do ARM work can use standard virt tools to run ARM VMs.
- Enthusiasts who want to try out the Fedora ARM spin can use standard tools to try it in a VM.
- Proposal owners:
- Fix issues in libvirt with generating qemu-system-arm command lines:
- Fix launching vexpress-a9 (DONE)
- Support virtio-mmio to enable virtio for vexpress (DONE)
- TODO: vexpress-a15 support? need to figure out the correct qemu+fedora incantation
- virt-install support (DONE, see docs)
- virt-manager support
- Basic setup support (DONE, see docs)
- Improve the 'Create VM' wizard to handle the ARM case better (DONE)
- TODO: Figure out how to actually install a new ARM VM and not depend on pre-installed images.
- TODO: Figure out why graphical setup is busted
Upgrade/compatibility impact
N/A (not a System Wide Change)
How To Test
User Experience
N/A (not a System Wide Change)
N/A (not a System Wide Change)
Contingency Plan
- Contingency mechanism: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
- Contingency deadline: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
- Blocks release? N/A (not a System Wide Change)
Example of how to kick off a guest:
Release Notes
ARM VMs can now be run on x86 hosts using standard libvirt tools like virsh, virt-manager, and virt-install.