From Fedora Project Wiki

David's List of Legacy things to do, 10/1: (upd 10/7)

If you do an item, please cut it from here and paste it [wiki:Self:/done todo-list/done]

1. Get out an e-mail to fedora-legacy-list, fedora-security-list, fedora-list (?), asking for "Help us help you:" Help with the Fedora Legacy Project. - Call for more volunteers to help the project out. [partially done]

- Let folks know I plan to be around on IRC much of this week in the mornings, and hopefully evenings to help folks get started. - Ask for suggestions on how to make it easier for newbie contributors?

- Hope that Jesse will be around to help.

2. Get onto experimenting with and then documenting the new CVS-way of doing Fedora Legacy updates -- CVS checkout, checkin, build.

3. Work on OpenSSL, Bugzilla #209116 . (Do this with (2?).)

4. Some time this week, get on to Marc Deslauriers' Bugzilla (#200034) for the July FC3 kernel vulnerabilities -- do source QA on it, best I can, so it can move forward.

5. Release Bugzilla #195418 (sendmail malformed MIME vulnerability) , either by pestering Marc or Jesse to do it, or do it myself (if someone will show me how....).

6. Work on OpenSSH, Bugzilla #208727 . (Do this with (2) I guess.)

6. Find out if we need to have a better way of communicating what needs to be done to move forward with individual items in the queue to be done. (Example -- I didn't realize (though I should have) that Marc had done so much work with the FC3 kernels in late July/Early August (I was involved in a family crisis at the time, so any Bugzilla emails I get as a builder were just being filed at that time). How could have we made it more obvious for folks that all this had been done, and that people needed to get on it and look at his work? Did we need, for example, for Marc himself to jump up and down on the email list saying, "Hey, guys, there's this kernel work that needs review/QA. If you are a FC3 user and want to have a secure kernel, get on it!" ??).

7. Get onto other bugs that have been discussed on the list, and start creating updated packages for them.... (using CVS, I guess, to create the necessary things to create .src.rpm's for QA....???)

8. <> needs updating to reflect that Fedora Project is no longer supporting new issues for RHL 7.3 and RHL 9 (or are we???).

9. Ask Jesse on the list -- "any thoughts about how the 'Publish QA' process may need to change as we work towards integrating CVS into Legacy's processes?" (Documented at <>.)