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2008 March 06 FESCo Meeting
- Brian Pepple (bpepple)
- Jason Tibbitts (tibbs)
- Dennis Gilmore (dgilmore)
- Bill Nottingham (notting)
- Warren Togami (warren)
- Jeremy Katz (jeremy)
- Christian Iseli (c4chris)
- Kevin Fenzi (nirik)
- Jesse Keating (f13)
- Josh Boyer (jwb)
- David Woodhouse (dwmw2)
- Christopher Aillon (caillon)
- Tom Callaway (spot)
F9 Feature Process
- FESCo approved the following feature for F9:
- FESCo felt that the secTool feature needed to be well-integrated and on by default before approving as a feature. They would like to see this as a feature for F10.
- FESCo voted against the global menu feature, since this feature didn't have upstream buy-in.
- FESCo will have a special meeting on Monday, March 10th at 19:30 UTC for any last-minute features that need to be approved before the beta release on Tuesday.
Page size on PPC/PPC64 builders
- FESCo voted to go with 64KiB pages for the ppc builders.
- For: f13, dwmw2, warren, c4chris, bpepple, nirik, tibbs, dgilmore
- Against: notting (I'm not 100% this was his vote, since he voted '-64')
- Abstain: jwb, spot, jeremy, caillon
Proposal to make tags in CVS "immutable"
- FESCo gave initial approval to make cvs tag immutable. Before this would go into effect, rel-eng will investigate the most common uses of force-tag, and create ways of mitigating the problem leading up to a force-tag call, as to eliminate the need for force-tag.
- For: bpepple, tibbs, c4chris, nirik, warren, dwmw2, jwb, dgilmore
- Against:
- Abstain: f13, spot, caillon, notting, jeremy
IRC log can be found at: