Cusco, Perú :: 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 de Septiembre del 2013 -- Organizadores generales del evento: Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis, Cesar Reynaldo Villacorta Rojas
Detalles del evento
El FUDCon-Latam 2013 se realizara en la ciudad del Cusco, Perú, los dias 26 - 27 - 28 - 29.
FUDCon es Fedora Users and Developers Conference, uno de los más grandes eventos de Software Libre en el mundo que se realiza en varias regiones alrededor del mundo, usualmente una por región. FUDCon es una combinación de sesiones, charlas, workshops, y hackfests en el cual los contribuidores trabajan en iniciativas especificas. Los temas incluyen infraestructura, desarrollo de características, formación de comunidades, administración y gobernación en general, marketing, pruebas y aseguramiento de calidad, empaquetamiento, etc.
FUDCon es gratuito siempre para cualquier persona en el mundo.
- Web site oficial:
- Facebook: Evento en Facebook
- Google+: google Plus Event
- Twitter:@fudconlatam
- Contact email:
Cualquier error relacionado con el sitio oficial debera ser reportado a
- Ciudad: Cusco, Perú [1]
- San Antonio Abad State University - Venue
- Google maps UNSAAC Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco
- Official web site: UNSAAC [2]
- Audience of 500 people for the first day in the morning and last day in the evening (opening and closing) and 3 rooms of 60 people.
26 - 27 - 28 - 29 de Septiembre del 2013
- 26,27 BarCammp: Jueves, Viernes
- 28 HackFest: Viernes, Sabado
- 29 FUDPub: Domingo
- Dias: Lunes, Miercoles y Viernes
- Hora: 23:30 UTC Check your country
- Canal: #Fudcon-Planning
- Servidor:
- Red Hat: - Nuestro auspiciador principal
- Bluehost: - Bluehost has set aside $1000 USD to help sponsor this FUDCon. Contact jsmith for more details.
- Ruckus Wireless Peru - Nos proveerá conexión a Internet en el local del evento.
Patrocinios disponibles
- Booklets: Permite tener a los asistentes una agenda, directorio, mapas e información relevante acerca del evento.
- Banners: intended to decorate the place that served as headquarters of FUDCon.
- Hotel -
- Posters: disseminated and promoted the event in public places to attract attendees.
- Name tags: identify participants in the event. They will be pre-printed.
- Instructions
- Please add your name to the list if you will attend. Also, please indicate the following:
- Put an X in the $$$ column if you need funding to attend, and visit the FUDCon ticket tracker to make a funding request. We have a limited budget and will work hard to fund as many people as possible. We'll use these answers to help figure out budgeting for the event. We are making arrangements for attendees from other geographic regions to encourage specific initiatives such as future FUDCon events, but preference may otherwise be given to people in North America.
- Put a V in the Veg column if you would like vegetarian fare for any meals that we provide during the event. If you prefer vegan fare, please mark that column VV. We will do our best to make sure everyone is accommodated! Note: "Hell No" and similar statements are offensive to some and should not be included in this column.
- Put your T-shirt size in the Size column, so we can have an idea about what sizes to have available. Only Unisex (Mens Sizes will be ordered)
- Roomsharing:
- If you want or need to share a room, mark yes in the "Roomshare?" column.
- Once you have a roommate, both of you should mark your roommate's name in the block as well.
- If you need a roommate, look for someone with just a yes in the column, and contact them via email. If you encounter any problems, let the organizers know.
- Use the Comments section for anything else you think organizers need to know, or to offer or ask for space or rides.
# | Name | $$$ | Veg | Size | Share room? | Comments | Hotel booked | extra line for badge | Country | TEAM |
1 | Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis | No | NO | No | No | Peru | ||||
2 | Alejandro Pérez | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | Aeperezt | Panama | Ambassadors, Famsco, Packagers, Ruby Sig, Translators | |
3 | Luis Bazan | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | lbazan | Panama | Ambassadors, Packagers, Infra, Translators, Docs | |
4 | Abdel Martínez | Yes | NO | Small | Yes | No | potty | Panama | Ambassadors, Packagers, Python SIG, Docs | |
5 | Itamar Reis Peixoto | Yes | NO | Medium | Yes | No | itamarjp | Brazil | Ambassadors, Packagers, | |
6 | Daniel Bruno | Yes | NO | Medium | Yes | No | dbruno | Brazil | Ambassadors, Packagers, Big Data Sig | |
7 | Leonardo Vaz | No | Yes | Extra Large | Yes | Yes | No | Brazil | Ambassadors | |
8 | Anthony Mogrovejo | No | NO | No | No | Peru | ||||
9 | Eduardo Echeverría | Yes | No | Extra Large | Yes | No | echevemaster | Venezuela | Ambassadors, Packagers (Sponsor), Translators, Xfce Sig | |
10 | Jose Carlos Garcia | Yes | NO | Extra Large | Yes | No | ChepeCarlos | El Salvador | ||
11 | Karla Hernandez | Yes | NO | medium | Yes | No | keikkun4 | El Salvador | ||
12 | Carlos Marcano | Yes | No | Extra Large | Yes | No | pelobravo | Venezuela | Ambassadors, Translators. | |
13 | Jared Smith | No | No | Large/Grande | No | No | jsmith | USA | Docs, ARM, Ambassadors | |
14 | Ariel Barria | Yes | NO | Medium | Yes | No | arielb | Panama | Infraestructure | |
# | Name | $$$ | Veg | Size | Share room? | Comments | Hotel booked | extra line for badge | Country | TEAM |
Meetings - Logs
Lodging / Hotel
Travel and transportation
If you are trying to coordinate travel with other attendees, you may want to visit the travel planning page.
Getting to Cusco
Estimated Cost
Origen | Cost | Stop | Route |
Directions from Airport to Hotel
Map To Event, FUDPub Hotel
At the hotel
The hotel has a significant amount of parking and has told us they don't believe there will be a problem accommodating some out of town drivers there.
Network Access
There will be wireless ethernet available at the hotel and event location, thanks to Ruckus Wireless.
Packing List
- Appropriately warm clothing
- Laptop with 802.11g wireless
- Extension cord
- Ethernet cable (for hotel and/or hackfest)
- Optional: Bring a Fedora Friend Finder (power strip)
- Credit card (VISA or MasterCard) or small amount of cash
- Your presentation slides or anything needed for the hackfest
International visitors:
- Passport/visa and any other official documentation needed
- Converters for power (reference link)
Currency / Money / Prices
We are happy to provide as much help as we can so you can enjoy your stay in our Country.
FUDCon is a community event in which the complete schedule is developed interactively starting with an opening orientation session. Attendance at orientation is recommended for those who are new to this format, or to FUDCon, Fedora, or free and open source software community events in general.
General Schedule
- Thursday, September 26
- Starting at 9:00am - 5:00pm, Hackfests / Workshops. FPL State of Fedora.
- Friday, September 27
- 9:00am - 5:00pm.
- Morning: Barcamp pitches. Later in the morning, for duration of day: Barcamp sessions. Hackfests/Workshops.
- Saturday, September 28
- 9:00am - 5:00pm, Barcamp Hackfests/Workshops.
- Sunday, August 26
- 9:00am - 5:00pm, Beach FUDpub. Bring your swimsuit!
Propuestas de Charlas
Thursday, 26th September
08:30 - 10:30 | Inauguración en el auditorio, |
10:30 - 11:30 | Barcamp en el auditorio, |
11:30 - 12:30 | Wolnei, Luis Bazan y Valentin Bazel - Qué es Fedora, La comunidad Fedora, Contribuyendo en Fedora en el auditorio, |
12:30 - 01:30 | Resultados del Barcamp en el auditorio, |
01:30 - 03:00 | Almuerzo |
Hora | Salón 1 | Salón 2 | Salón 3 | Salón 4 |
03:00 - 04:00 | Cómo ser embajador de Fedora | Migración de Software Libre en empresas | Cómo participar en un proyecto de Software Libre | |
04:00 - 05:00 | ||||
05:00 - 06:00 | Administración de servidores | Hardering Apache | Python y Django | YUM |
06:00 - 07:00 | ICARO | Lanzamientos de Fedora | Base de Datos NO relacionales | Experiencia con Fedora con la educación (Bernardo C. Hermitaño) |
Friday, 27th September
Hora | Salón 1 | Salón 2 | Salón 3 | Salón 4 |
09:00 - 10:00 | Instalación de Fedora desde cero (Jonathan Campos) | Máxima y Octave (Mario Lamas) | Filosofía de Software Libre (Abad Chambilla) | GWT (Carlos Borda) |
10:00 - 11:00 | Spin de Fedora Electronic Lab (Kiara Navarro) | Diseño Gráfico en Fedora (Juan Barba) | Perdiendo el Miedo a la Terminal (Neville, Julita) | RPM Overview (Eduardo, Abdel, Luis, Itamar) |
11:00 - 12:00 | Hacking Web Básico (Anthony Mogrovejo) | Armando un Entorno de Desarrollo para Java en Fedora (Abdel, Yohan) | Futuro de los Data Centers en Latinoamérica (Alejandro Pérez) | LibreOffice (Alonso, Eddy, Nils) |
12:00 - 1:00 | Python Inicial (Yohan Graterol) | Introducción a SSH (Abdel, Neville) | Fedora Spins y Remixes (Wolnei Junior) | Incubación de Traductor Automático de Español a Quechua basado en Apertium (Hugo Calderón) |
1:00 - 3:00 | Almuerzo | |||
03:00 - 04:00 | Drupal en Fedora (Juan, Kiara, Abad) | Firmas y Certificados Digitales (Hugo Calderón) | Cómo Hacer Documentación Técnica en Fedora (Jared Smith) | GTK (Mario Lamas) |
04:00 - 05:00 | Modelo de Negocios en Software Libre (Matias, Neville) | Modelando con Blender (René Lujano) | MongoDB a Fondo (Yohan Graterol) | VPNs (Leonel Arroyo) |
05:00 - 06:00 | Servidores en Fedora (Matias Maceira) | Latex, Procesador de Texto (Mario Lamas) | Aplicaciones de la Realidad Aumentada (William Zamalloa) | Tuneando Mi Fedora (Julita Inca) |
06:00 - 07:00 | Aplicaciones Móviles (Alejandro Pérez) | Licencias Libres (Eduardo Echeverría) | Como crear su Fedora Remix (Wolnei Junior) | Maneja tu Data Center con oVirt (Abdel Martínez) |
Saturday, 28th September
Hora | Salón 1 | Salón 2 | Salón 3 | Salón 4 |
09:00 - 10:00 | Rastreo utilizando GoogleMaps y Android (Helen Conza) | Celery con Django (Mijail Gamarra) | MariaDB (Abdel Martínez) | |
10:00 - 11:00 | Arduino (Kiara Navarro) | Desarrollo e-commerce (Pierre) | Virtualización, servicio Open Stack (Eduardo Echevarría) | |
11:00 - 12:00 | Python 3 (Yohan Graterol) | Herramientas de música DJing en Linux sobre Fedora (Tonet Jallo) | Bigdata (Abdel Martinez) | |
12:00 - 1:00 | Repos en USB (Neville Cross) | Fedora ARM (Wolnei, Dennis) | Infraestructura (Luis Bazán) | |
1:00 - 3:00 | Almuerzo | |||
03.00 - 04.00 | Pymongo y Mongoengine - Uso de MongoDB desde Python (Yohan Graterol) | OPS (Anthony Mogrovejo) | Fedora Apps (luis Bazán) | |
04:00 - 05:00 | Comenzando a usar Fedora y no morir en el intento (Bernardo C. Hermitaño) | GPG (Itamar Reis Peixoto) |
Nota: (*) Temas sugeridos. (This topics are suggestions of ... you can take one or suggest a new one) If you want to propose a talk just send us an email, here are the current proposals sessions FUDcon Latam
Lista de Gadgets que se proponen llevar:
- Docking Plugable compatible con multi seat in Fedora 17. Link No es lo mismo hablar de multi seat que verlo funcionar en caliente. Neville
- Programador PicKit2 para programar los IC de icaro
T-shirts made by