Proposing Official Features
In order to be considered an official feature accepted for the next Fedora release, the feature should be formally documented on a separate wiki page which includes the following information:
- Summary of the feature
- A designated owner with a link to Fedora home page [[User:FASAcountName| Your Name]]. The owner is responsible for:
- Making sure the feature is completed according to the schedule
- Communicating periodic status
- Attending feature status meetings
- Current status
- last updated
- Estimated percentage of completion
- Description of the new feature
- Detailed explanation of what the new feature will do and how it will be implemented
- Benefit to Fedora
- Scope
- How To Test
- Dependencies--on other packages or features
- Contingency plan
- Link to documentation
- Important information for release notes
Once you're satisfied with the Feature page, add the following to the bottom of the page:
The feature wrangler will announce your page on the devel mailing list, allowing one week for discussion before the feature is proposed to FESCo.