From Fedora Project Wiki

This page is intended to be a comprehensive list of all the things a Administrator might need to do with FedoraTalk. A separate page holds things Regular Users or Facilitators might want to do. These use cases are developed as part of the FAD Fedora Talk 2009 game plan.

  • If it is works today, there should be a link to a wiki page explaining how to do it
  • If it doesn't exist to day, there should be a link to an Ticket with a keyword of ftalk.

Revoke Fedora Talk Privileges for a User

Jonnie has been hosting conferences on illicit subjects and otherwise using Fedora Talk for purposes it was not intended for that violate the Fedora mission and casts doubts on its four foundations. How dare he!

  1. Admin reminds Jonnie of appropriate uses for Fedora Talk
  2. Abuse continues
  3. Admin in the Accounts group takes appropriate action such as disabling Jonnie's account.


Mute or Disconnect a Noisy Attendee

Rowdy Ralph has joined a conference and his line is very noisy (background noise, feedback, etc.). Rowdy is disrupting the conference. The administrator needs to put Rowdy's line on hold or disconnect him from the call

RESOLUTION: Asterisk does not currently have this ability, however it may in the future.

Meeting Facilitator Requests a Recorded Conference

Susan is hosting a conference and would like to have it recorded. Roofus is in the sysadmin-tools FAS group (provides ssh priviledges to asterisk box) and helps with Fedora Talk tickets.

  1. Susan files an infrastructure ticket requesting that a specific conference room be recorded at a particular time and date.
  2. Roofus sets up an at job to start the meeting:
    # start-recording --conference=<number>
  3. Recording stops automatically after the last participant hangs up or four hours is reached--whichever is first.
  4. Roofus copies /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/conference-<number>-<starttimeUTC>.ogg to the location for downloadable conferences: TBD on
  5. Alternatively, Roofus can also manually stop the recording
  6. # stop-recording --conference=<number>


Meeting Facilitator Requests a Streamed Conference

Fabio is hosting a conference and would like to have it streamed to the web. Roofus is in the sysadmin-tools FAS group (provides ssh priviledges to asterisk box) and helps with Fedora Talk tickets.

  1. Fabio files an infrastructure ticket requesting that a specific conference room be recorded at a particular time and date.
  2. Roofus sets up an at job to start streaming the meeting at the appointed time:
    # start-streaming --conference=<number>
  3. Roofus sets up an at job to stop the stream or ends it manually:
    # stop-streaming --conference=<number>
  4. Roofus provides streaming URL to Fabio in Infrastructure ticket which is at:<number>.ogg


Open Questions

  1. Will streaming be available 24/7 or does it need to be turned on and off?
    • It will be turned on and off
  2. Recording calls?
    1. Where will files be stored?
    2. How will start/stop record be administered?
      • In phase one, by a command line interface. Shortly thereafter, by web app.
    3. How are multiple talks (some occurring simultaneously) going to be split out in separate correctly labelled files?
      • Phase one, by conference room number and time; in the web app later, by a user-provided name and time