Fedora Events: fossaegean Linux Lessons #1 - Samos, Greece
The Free and Open Source Society of the University of the Aegean organises a series of linux lessons for beginners and intermediate users. In the first session, Giannis Konstantinidis is going to give a short presentation on Fedora and FOSS in general. Then, a workshop is going to follow up, going through the basic installation of Fedora and finally presenting a few basics within the GNOME desktop.
Date & Location
- Saturday 09/NOV/2013, 18:00 (GMT +2)
- University of the Aegean - Samos
Hardware / Swag
- Laptop (gkon)
- ~30 F19 Multi-Desktop DVDs (gkon)
- Fedora logo stickers (gkon)
Fedora Project Attendees
- Giannis Konstantinidis (gkon)
Event Report
To be posted after the event