PROJECT-FEDORA Atomic Host package layering
CONTACT INFORMATION- Martin Bažík +42194963521 FAS username-martan9
WHY FEDORA- I find Fedora interesting because it is open-source project highly relying on its community and it is a great opportunity for me to move forward. And I think Project Atomic is the right way.
GSOC PARTICIPATION- It is the first time I would work with such organisation and I think it is a great challenge.
CONTRIBUTION- This is the way I want to start my contribution to the project.
WHY CHOOSE ME- For this project, you need some who is self-motivated, wants to learn new something new, does not mind hard work and since I am only first-year and can bring some fresh ideas to the pool. My specialization is C-programming at the moment, because most of the school projects are focused on C language, I also have basics of C++, bash, CSS3, HTML. I am good at math as well.
WHERE I BELONG- I am just looking for the place where I belong. I like solving difficult problems, but I am focused on the certain path yet.
TIMELINE- There is number of things I can contribute on, and good Timeline is crucial for completion of the work. During summer my timetable is flexible so I will be purely focused on the task given by mentor, but until the end of May I need to focus on the school. However this is what my timeline might look like.
18March-25March: Applying through GSOC’s website. Familiarizing with the project.
22May-30May: GSOC Results. Confirming and discussing the project details with the mentor and understanding the code
30May-27June: Weekly target completion and submission of work report to the mentor. Submissions for Mid-term evaluation.
27June-31July: Continuing the Implementation and regular progress check-up.
1August-15 August: Final brush up, full integration testing, documentation and submission for final evaluation.
FINAL DELIVERABLES- All output of the given task including Developed Content, Bug Free environment, Campaign Development and Implementation, Design Improvements, collected and well-organised data, improvements with wok related to metrics gathering and real-time messaging integration.