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2009-07-07 0500 UTC on #fedora-meeting at Freenode (MeetBot)
Previous meeting I18N/Meetings/2009-06-23
- update on Features/YumLangpackPlugin
- IPA fonts gothic and pgothic
- new bugs
Next meeting I18N/Meetings/2009-07-21
05:01:03 <juhp> #startmeeting 05:01:47 <tagoh3> hi 05:01:52 <juhp> #meetingtopic Fedora i18n Meeting 05:02:03 <juhp> hi tagoh3 05:02:37 <juhp> #topic attendees 05:03:03 <dingyichen> Hi juhp. 05:03:08 <phuang> hi 05:04:01 <pravins> hi 05:04:12 <paragn> hi 05:05:38 <juhp> ok 05:06:13 <juhp> #topic 05:07:00 <jni_> hi 05:07:01 <juhp> not too much agenda today 05:07:11 <juhp> hi jni_ and asgeirf 05:07:29 <jni_> hi juhp 05:07:52 <asgeirf> hi :) 05:08:24 <Kaio_Sashimi> hi 05:08:36 <juhp> cool 05:09:52 <juhp> #topic 05:10:05 <juhp> well not too much to update on the yum plugin 05:10:32 <juhp> unfortunately been rather busy with other stuff but finally submitted it to feature-wrangler now... 05:11:03 <juhp> and hope to find some time this week to create the meta packages and hack a little on the python plugin 05:11:35 <juhp> then that moves along will submit the package and plugin for review... 05:12:05 <juhp> for the record there has been some discussion on it last week on anaconda-devel list 05:12:25 <juhp> let me see if I can pull out an url first :) 05:12:30 <dingyichen> juhp: what's the relationship between the yum-plugin-langpack and <language>-support? 05:13:07 <juhp> 05:13:59 <juhp> dingyichen: the yum groups you mean? 05:14:10 <dingyichen> juhp: yes 05:14:21 <juhp> dingyichen: well for a start that is where the metapackages would/will live 05:14:41 <juhp> but the plugin may not use yum groups 05:14:53 <juhp> though that is also an alternative for now 05:15:18 <juhp> dingyichen: if you want to make the question more specific? :) 05:15:53 <juhp> dingyichen: I haven't played with the python code in a while so need to revisit that soon 05:17:34 <juhp> ok let's move on then 05:17:42 <juhp> #topic IPA fonts 05:17:44 <dingyichen> juhp: whether is the language preference being installed? 05:17:47 <dingyichen> Sure. 05:18:01 <juhp> dingyichen: language preference? 05:18:29 <dingyichen> On the time when user install the language support? 05:18:39 <juhp> dingyichen: so to clarify maybe - if you install lang X you will get langpack-support-X installed 05:18:56 <juhp> as in as at install time 05:19:15 <juhp> does it answer? 05:19:46 <juhp> I already talked a bit to tagoh3 about the ipa fonts change in f12 05:20:08 <juhp> and I think the fonts are nice... 05:20:48 <juhp> the only issue that comes up is still the interesting difference between gothic and pgothic (and similarly for mincho probably) 05:21:00 <tagoh3> juhp: sure - though we didn't have any conclusions about the font size issue? 05:21:05 <juhp> right 05:21:08 <juhp> that too 05:22:01 <juhp> so currently (in Live etc) pgothic is default I think 05:22:06 <juhp> tagoh3: any more thoughts on that? 05:23:13 <tagoh3> juhp: well, for UI font, proportional should looks better than fixed size generally. 05:23:41 <juhp> right 05:24:09 <tagoh3> so need to scale up a bit to keep similar look? 05:24:35 <juhp> maybe yeah - so scale up both fonts? 05:24:43 <juhp> or all even 05:24:50 <tagoh3> if necessary 05:25:10 <juhp> not sure though how it will affect the spacing around the glyphs? 05:25:11 <tagoh3> need more testing I suppose 05:25:15 <juhp> ok 05:25:18 <tagoh3> right 05:26:25 <juhp> ok - just thought I would bring it up here too for the attention of more people 05:27:04 <juhp> #topic bugs corner 05:27:14 <juhp> ok not actually on the agenda... 05:27:32 <juhp> I noticed today there are quite a lot of bugs in NEW 05:27:49 <juhp> 05:28:02 <juhp> might be better if we had UNVERIFIED or something but anyway 05:28:26 <juhp> 89 currently after I moved the red ones to assigned ;) 05:29:16 <juhp> a lot of them aren't our bugs of course but good to move our own bugs to assigned after accepting them 05:31:52 <juhp> ok hm I seen to have a lot of ibus-anthy bugs on that list ;) 05:32:09 <tagoh3> :) 05:32:16 <juhp> anyone have any bugs they want to discuss? :) 05:32:21 <juhp> tagoh3: thanks 05:32:44 <dingyichen> Hmm, so in that case, yum-plugin-language should be either installed with group-language support, or before that. Otherwise nothing being recorded. 05:33:03 <dingyichen> About lang-pack. :-) 05:33:37 <juhp> dingyichen: well the metapackages will require the plugin 05:34:09 <juhp> maybe better to explain by example 05:34:29 <dingyichen> juhp: Thanks, another 2 quick questions: 05:34:46 <dingyichen> 1. Need rpms be changed? 05:34:46 <juhp> User does a chinese install of fedora: will get langpack-support-zh/chinese installed 05:35:08 <juhp> dingyichen: now at this stage - or no such plans currently 05:36:14 <juhp> wondering about the naming if it is better to use locale like naming 05:36:23 <juhp> s/now/not/ 05:36:24 <dingyichen> 2. Any naming guideline? 05:36:39 <tagoh3> juhp: what about %_install_langs as brought up on the list? 05:37:17 <juhp> dingyichen: I mentioned it in the feature briefly - I don't think we may enforce it for f12 - perhaps <package>-langpack-<lang> 05:37:31 <juhp> tagoh3: what about it? :) 05:38:00 <juhp> I think it is a bad idea 05:38:11 <tagoh3> aha 05:38:34 <juhp> but yeah in the longer term tighter rpm integration would be better 05:38:35 <tagoh3> not sure what exactly it's supposed to do 05:39:05 <juhp> tagoh3: well it allows one to restriction the installed translation langs 05:39:10 <juhp> %lang 05:39:21 <tagoh3> but if preparing any facilities to package the lang specific things to the separate package automatically, it would be nice 05:39:28 <juhp> so would make sense for firefox ;o) 05:39:57 <juhp> I am wishing that firefox might agree to langpacks if this feature works well 05:40:08 <juhp> fedora firefox I think 05:40:17 <tagoh3> depending on the maintainer to get it working properly would messes up the feature 05:40:40 <juhp> %lang? 05:40:59 <tagoh3> or need to pay attentions and more works to be done. 05:41:17 <tagoh3> juhp: or whatever 05:41:22 <juhp> tagoh3: right in the long run having rpm able to auto-subpackage langs would be good 05:42:04 <juhp> there was some talk about this in debian quite a while back - but I haven't followed their progress 05:42:07 <juhp> anyone know? 05:42:24 <juhp> I think they were calling them .tdeb's iirc 05:42:45 <juhp> anyway it is non-trivial out of f12 scope I would say 05:43:23 <juhp> 05:45:01 <juhp> anything else? 05:45:17 <juhp> #topic open 05:46:48 <juhp> otherwise we'll close the meeting shortly :) 05:47:53 <juhp> thanks for the meeting everyone! 05:48:15 <juhp> #endmeeting