From Fedora Project Wiki

This is the Place to discuss the ideas presented in the marketing mailinglist.

This is the first wiki page I've done so I know it looks terrible :) -threethirty

The original idea went as follows:

* we somehow procure a gallery
* Fedorians bring in some art they had done
* we invite people from the art world to see it
* try to get written up in art mags (do they exist, if so which ones)
* thought this would be an awesome way to show that art and freesoftware are great partners
* thought this would be a way that people could parade out that one desgin they had for $fedoraVersionInThePast that just didnt make it
* would be a way to see the creative side of people we didnt know had one (how many coders/marketing people/legal etc are also painters, sculpters, etc)

Known Issues:

* project is international
* could be expensive
* photo book failed

Things that need done before all else:

* someone please make this not look terrible
* link to mailinglist discussion