Jack Aboutboul
Jack Aboutboul is a member of the Red Hat Community Architecture team and a long-time Fedora community member working closely with Fedora Marketing,Fedora Ambassadors and various other initiatives which you can read about below.
When he's not hard at work creating or promoting Open Source or Open Content, he likes to spontaneously hop on planes and end up in cool places.
- Email: here
- Blog: MadRhetoric
Jack's Press
This is delightfully incomplete, one day ill update it with everything.
- Red Hat Magazine | March 2005: Fedora: Powered by the community
- Fedora Project Announcement | March 2006: Announcing FUDCon Boston 2006
- The Personal Touch | December 2007: The Personal Touch *PDF Link
- Fedora in Space | February 2008 Fedora in Space
Current (FY10) Projects
- Fedora Marketing - Currently coordinating the activities of the Fedora Marketing team
** Marketing F12 schedule
- Open Source in Education - Helping to manage Red Hat/Fedora's education strategy and relationships, including, universities and Red Hat High - [MODIFIED - moved to GDK and Mel Chua]
- Qumranet Community - Helping communify (is that a word) and increase community involvement of Qumranet Projects]] - [COMPLETED]
- Engaging Creative Commons - Working with creative commons on projects
- Restructured Fedora Marketing
* New Time based schedule * Coordinated change of meeting times * Fixed Logistic * New procedure for task tracking tied to release * Ensured more communication and more transparency were present with regard to whats going on
- Fedora Marketing Tasks
* Set up schedule * Accomplished Tasks on Schedule: Marketing_F11_schedule * Managed marketing push pre-release * Talking Points * In-depth feature profiles * Podcasts * Print Interviews * Coordinated with Steven Moix for NDN
- Begin work on Fedora Magazine
* Present Proposal * Center point for all Fedora related media/rich media community-oriented content * Social Media * Metrics * Gather Feedback * Infrastructure/Web/Design team involvement * Action plan * Deployment?
- Fedora @ NASA
- UniversityTour
- Recruiting university professors to the OSIE project/FSOSS
- Succesfully enagaged Oregon State University and the OSUOSL
- Fedora at OSCON and LinuxWorld
- Building the Fedora Campus Ambassadors Program
- More