From Fedora Project Wiki

Event information

« Journées Méditerranéennes du Logiciel Libre (JM2L) » are an event organized by the association Linux-Azur. Each year, in November, JM2L are the meetings to see many local projects with their developers, the community and some conferences. In general, there were at least 150-200 persons during the event.

When and Where

  • Saturday the 28th of November : 9h-18h
  • Polytech'Nice, Sophia-Antipolis. France



I represented the Fedora Project and Borsalinux-fr during this event with a stand. I talked with some persons (almost 20) to help or present Fedora in real situations. I distributed some goodies and F22 DVDs, and Borsalinux-fr had a new member. This year, I have many questions about Fedora Spins and ARM support.


  • CDs Fedora 22 64 bits : 20 sold/distributed
  • Stickers : 10 sold/distributed
  • Pins : 7 sold



  • In progress