Fedora 本地化项目 - 向本地化项目介绍自己
当您想加入本地化项目时,我们需要他(她)加入 trans 邮件列表并做自我介绍。您可以点击前面的链接订阅该列表。您这么做的目的是为了建立翻译人员之间的信任,或者下载他们的 GPG 密钥。
The purpose of all this is to break anonymity and foster real-world community within the project. You are under no obligation to reveal personal secrets. The objective is to establish a level of trust with yourself and the other members of the project. Then tell us what you would want to know about yourself. :-)
- Self-Introduction: Your- Name and Language
- Name: 您的姓名 (或常用昵称)
- Location: 城市,国家(可选)
- Login: FAS 用户名(必填)
- Language: 翻译最终语言 (必填)
- Profession or Student status: (可选)
- About You: (free format - your info which you feel comfortable to share with others: company, school, other affiliation, historical qualifications, other projects you have worked in the past, level & type of computer skills, any other skills, etc)
- You and the Fedora Project: (free format: other Fedora projects you would be interested, anything you'd like to do, comments & suggestions about L10N project, etc)
- GPG KEYID and fingerprint: (See Creating_GPG_Keys for help and instructions if you don't have a GPG key. Be sure that your GPG key is uploaded to pgp.mit.edu. Use "gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --send-key KEYID". Your GPG fingerprint is 40 hexadecimal characters long, while your KEYID is the last 8 digits. Below is an example of a block of text suitable for cut & paste into your self-introduction e-mail.)
[warren@computer ~] # gpg --fingerprint 54A2ACF1 pub 1024D/54A2ACF1 2002-11-25 Warren Togami (Linux) <warren@togami.com> Key fingerprint = 785A 304B 08C1 F291 F54F 9A68 6BDD FE8E 54A2 ACF1 sub 2048g/4AD75982 2002-11-25 [expires: 2007-11-24]