This webpage is based in various notes and concepts I've taken from my "Market Studies" classes and pretends to cover some very basic principals regarding surveys, questionnaires and so on. I'm trying to make this a non-technical oriented document.
Principals of Surveys and Questionnaires
When the elements of the targeted population for a study are high the entire process can be very long and usually translates into very high costs. In this cases, Marketing professionals try to set a sample of the population which shares the key characteristics that are to be studied. The process should contemplate the following:
- Definition of the Survey Unit
- Sample Dimension
- Processing of Sample selection
Definition of the Survey Unit
Sample Dimention
Processing of Sample Selection
Dimension and Structure of the Questionnaire
Question Categories
Errors to Avoid
Questionnaire Methods
Postal Inquiries
Phone Inquiries
Face-to-Face Inquiries
Inquiries by Observation
Sources of Mistake
Sampling Errors
Information Retrieval Errors
Data Mining and Analysis
Interdependency Relational Methods
Dependency Relational Methods