From Fedora Project Wiki
Roll call
- Present: Mike McGrath, Paul Frields, John Poelstra, Josh Boyer, Chris Tyler, Colin Walters, Chris Aillon, Dennis Gilmore
- Regrets: Tom 'spot' Callaway, Matt Domsch
- Assigned meeting secretary: John Poelstra
MeeGo status
- Paul reached out to project leadership to see if Fedora could lend their support officially via a statement
- Haven't been able to raise response from anyone
- Considering low priority item at this time, but will continue to reach out over the next week
- Mini-sig being led by Peter Robinson
License agreement for
- Granting trademark for
- Approved by the board
- Accompanying issue of fragmentation -- need to be able to redirect people properly
- ACTION: Paul will create TLA and send out
- ACTION: Mike will create domain and redirect to
- ACTION: Christopher Aillon will get with Websites team to request a fc.o index page listing all such sites
Short list of F14 names
- Reviewed list of proposed names that meet minimum requirements
- This is the list Legal will first concentrate on
- Bacon
- Mitikas
- Fytnargin
- Laughlin
- Beardmore
- Celebi
- Ventnor
- Hoppin
- Laramie
- The next group of names have passed the initial check but have questions or issues raised by Design
- This list will also be used if the ballot is insufficient (less then 5 or 6 names)
- Korolyov
- Baudelaire
- Tsiolkovsky
- Button
- Scofield
- Bhanji
- Kingsley
- Rubbia
- Neper
- Tudek
- Chaplin
- Lausanna
- Alfven
- Shepard
- Beers
- Faickney
- ACTION: Paul to send list to Red Hat Legal for clearance
Follow-up to vision discussion
- Start with rotating team meetings
- invite each team to attend so we can get the word out on what they are working on
- find out how they need help
- Invite Websites to the next meeting (2010-05-06)
- Format of meetings will be:
- 30 minutes on team discussion
- 30 minutes for Q&A
- ACTION: Mike will invite Websites to the first meeting
FPL succession
- Paul gave the Board a status report
Next meeting
- Thursday, 2010-05-06 UTC 1600
- IRC Public meeting
- Possible team meeting, depending on conclusion of discussion above
- #fedora-board-meeting