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Fedora Marketing Team Meeting Minutes 2016-02-24

Meeting Time


This week's Marketing Meeting will be led by jflory7.

  • The participants will be posted after the meeting.

Meeting Protocol

  • To help improve the flow of the meeting, using the IRC Meeting Protocol is encouraged, as modeled by the EMEA Ambassadors.
  • Please follow the Meeting Protocol where possible.


Attendees, update this agenda with your latest items before the meeting has started.
  • #startmeeting Fedora Marketing meeting (2016-02-23)
  • #meetingname marketing
  • #chair < based on attendance >
  • #topic Roll Call
    • #info Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas
  • #topic Announcements
    • #info === Ticket #216 ===
      • #link
      • #info * "Update digital image library for banners, icons, and other generic images"
      • #info Upstream design ticket was taken on by a design team member; will check in on progress of this ticket in future meetings
  • #topic Action items from last meetings
  • #topic Tickets
  • #topic Marketing Tasks for F24
  • #topic Long-Term Plans: Magazine
    • Discussion: Are there any long-term objectives we want to set in place for the Magazine? Are there ways we can grow readership further? Do we believe we are taking advantage of our resources with the Magazine? What can be improved?
  • #topic Open Floor
    • #action jflory7 File a ticket to discuss adding a [Marketing] prefix to the mailing list
    • #action jflory7 Look into gaining privileges on Marketing Trac to update components, milestones, and other metadata

Meeting summary and action items

Full meeting log

Next Meeting