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第一项内容:FelixZ 提到关于翻译的一些事
介绍了 (t.f.o),然后建立了 Glossary 页面,用于保存翻译常用词汇。
[2007-09-14 19:54:00] <hers> 多亏了 google canlendar 一次发了四条短信过来,把人吵醒了。。。 [2007-09-14 19:54:27] * hers 今天俺旁听 [2007-09-14 19:55:49] =-= Mode #fedora-cn +o hers by ChanServ [2007-09-14 19:56:00] === y is unknown mode char to me [2007-09-14 19:56:00] =-= Mode #fedora-cn +oric hellwolf by hers [2007-09-14 19:56:11] =-= Mode #fedora-cn +o ricky by hers [2007-09-14 19:56:30] =-= Mode #fedora-cn +v skynovo by hers [2007-09-14 19:56:34] =-= Mode #fedora-cn +v FelixZ by hers [2007-09-14 19:57:44] <FelixZ> hers: Evening, hers. [2007-09-14 19:58:12] =-= Mode #fedora-cn +v candyz0416 by hers [2007-09-14 19:58:33] <hers> FelixZ~ 找到啥想做的没。。 [2007-09-14 19:58:46] * hers 多么地一本正经啊 [2007-09-14 19:59:01] =-= Mode #fedora-cn +v gregdek_gone by hers [2007-09-14 19:59:11] * FelixZ 不由地肃然起敬了 [2007-09-14 19:59:18] * Shely 家 hers 本来就很正经~ [2007-09-14 20:00:42] <FelixZ> hers: 我还是做点简单的翻译吧,呵呵,现在有没有to do list? [2007-09-14 20:01:02] <hers> 有的。 的模块列表。 [2007-09-14 20:01:26] <hers> [2007-09-14 20:02:53] <FelixZ> hers: Great:) 我先找技术背景简单些的看看 [2007-09-14 20:05:36] <hers> 我一直都想看 olpc 的翻译,可是完全玩不转。。。 [2007-09-14 20:05:58] <hellwolf> 今天星期五! [2007-09-14 20:06:01] * hers 不够单纯和有想象力/耐心。。。 qemu 真 TMD 慢 [2007-09-14 20:06:03] <FelixZ> hers: 任务有没有优先级? [2007-09-14 20:06:29] <hers> FelixZ~ 有的,应用程序翻译是必须在 25 号之前尽可能多做,不然就进不了 f8 了 [2007-09-14 20:07:04] <hers> 可是我没觉得这 freeze 有啥意思 - -! [2007-09-14 20:07:34] <hers> 应用程序翻译一般都是 redhat 内部的团队做的啊。 [2007-09-14 20:08:28] <FelixZ> hers: Thanks, I see. Is there any standardized glossary I can refer to? [2007-09-14 20:09:30] <hers> 没有,记得 kbabel 还是什么的可以导入所有的 po 文件,做一个小数据库,然后自动翻译新的 po 文件? [2007-09-14 20:10:31] * FelixZ scratches his head and takes notes [2007-09-14 20:10:49] <hers> FelixZ~ 如果搞个 glossary 怎么样呢 [2007-09-14 20:11:18] <FelixZ> 呃……我不知道哎 [2007-09-14 20:11:31] <FelixZ> 应该会减少些混乱吧 [2007-09-14 20:11:39] <hers> 在 wiki 里加一页? [2007-09-14 20:12:09] <FelixZ> hers: Sounds like a good idea :) [2007-09-14 20:12:23] <hers> FelixZ~ 顺带提一句, 的缩写是 t.p.o,有个测试网站在 [2007-09-14 20:12:36] <hers> 有新功能时会先加到那里 [2007-09-14 20:13:22] <FelixZ> hers: Thanks for the information:) [2007-09-14 20:14:16] <FelixZ> hers: I don't quite func for fedora or new func for the site? [2007-09-14 20:16:27] <hers> 掉线了 [2007-09-14 20:17:32] *NickServ* You have already identified [2007-09-14 20:19:13] <hers> FelixZ~ new function for the site. currently it refers to Transifex which you can find in the navigation area [2007-09-14 20:21:03] <hers> 这一篇有意思: [2007-09-14 20:21:27] <hers> 还有这一篇 [2007-09-14 20:23:56] <hers> FelixZ~ 那,有个差不多相关的页面, [2007-09-14 20:25:37] <FelixZ> hers: Maybe it's better we have some hierarchies in this dict, I suppose. [2007-09-14 20:26:01] <hers> no, FedoraDict must has a plain structure [2007-09-14 20:26:21] <hers> I'm setting up a new page at $zh_CN/L10N/Glossary [2007-09-14 20:26:22] <FelixZ> hers: But the list could grow to a overwhelming size if we keep doing this.. [2007-09-14 20:27:06] <hers> FelixZ~ FedoraDict is used for reference using Wiki functions, thus it cannot have other structures I think.. [2007-09-14 20:27:22] <hers> and use a seperated page for translations is better [2007-09-14 20:28:17] <FelixZ> hers: So the content are limited only to those related to wiki usage? Gotcha [2007-09-14 20:29:17] <hellwolf> 哈? [2007-09-14 20:29:17] <hellwolf> english day? [2007-09-14 20:29:18] <FelixZ> hers: *content is* [2007-09-14 20:29:48] <hers> AFAIK no one will use FedoraDict page.. the syntax of calling is hard to remember [2007-09-14 20:31:49] <FelixZ> hers: Er..may I ask what is it? [2007-09-14 20:38:15] <hers> {{Template:FedoraDict/OpenSource}} [2007-09-14 20:38:47] <hers> 意思就是此处引用 FedoraDict 中对 OpenSource 的定义 [2007-09-14 20:39:56] <FelixZ> hers: Ah..interesting [2007-09-14 20:44:43] <FelixZ> here: If only you do not need to apply this to each word... [2007-09-14 20:48:04] <hers> 所以才说不好用 [2007-09-14 20:50:50] <hers> 嗯,加了一个新的 $zh_CN/L10N/Glossary 页面 [2007-09-14 20:51:15] <hers> 这玩意要是可以自动生成就好了啊 - -! [2007-09-14 20:51:50] <FelixZ> hers: Much cooler now :) [2007-09-14 20:52:19] * hers 正在装 kbabel [2007-09-14 20:53:03] <FelixZ> hers: Fedora的wiki有类似talk之类的页面么? [2007-09-14 20:55:36] <hers> talk? 你是说讨论么? [2007-09-14 20:56:08] * hers 没用过 mediawiki 的讨论页 [2007-09-14 20:56:12] <FelixZ> 对啊 [2007-09-14 20:56:33] <hers> 据说前阵子邮件列表有吵架,是不是加讨论页 [2007-09-14 20:56:53] <FelixZ> hers: 嗯? [2007-09-14 20:57:08] <hers> 俺没在意。。 [2007-09-14 20:57:15] <FelixZ> hers: ... [2007-09-14 20:57:35] * FelixZ 个人认为讨论也没什么坏处嘛 [2007-09-14 21:00:10] * hers searching gmane [2007-09-14 21:00:24] [INFO] You are now marked as away (吃饭去了). Click the nickname button or use the |/back| command to return from being away. [2007-09-14 21:00:28] <FelixZ> hers: 如果加一个页面说明L10N的与Docs/Drafts以及FAQ的glossary的区别就好了 [2007-09-14 21:01:58] <hers> - -! 仅供参考 [2007-09-14 21:02:16] <hers> 根本不是一回事,写啥区别呢 [2007-09-14 21:02:58] * hers 吃饭去也,大家慢慢聊 [2007-09-14 21:03:44] <FelixZ> hers: 不写的话像我等菜人根本不知道是都是何物啊 [2007-09-14 21:04:39] <FelixZ> hers: Oops,差别果然很大,当我没说好了 [2007-09-14 21:14:03] |<-- r0bertz|work has left freenode (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [2007-09-14 21:18:28] |<-- zmcbb30 has left freenode (No route to host) [2007-09-14 21:23:03] <--| eugene has left #fedora-cn [2007-09-14 21:47:31] <kingbo> fedora未被是没有国内镜像??? [2007-09-14 21:47:48] <kingbo> fedora还是没有国内镜像????? [2007-09-14 21:49:20] <hellwolf> 没有公开的完整的优秀的可用的 [2007-09-14 21:49:56] <kingbo> 唉,中国人就是不开放!!! [2007-09-14 21:50:11] <hellwolf> ubuntu 有 [2007-09-14 21:50:16] <hellwolf> debian 有 [2007-09-14 21:55:13] <kingbo> 感觉这两款不好用 [2007-09-14 21:56:15] <hellwolf> 随便你的,事实是国内用 Fedora 网络方面不方便 [2007-09-14 21:56:29] <hellwolf> 电信的线路还凑合 [2007-09-14 22:01:33] =-= gregdek_gone is now known as gregdek [2007-09-14 22:03:15] <--| FelixZ has left #fedora-cn [2007-09-14 22:41:33] <hellwolf> hers, [2007-09-14 22:41:40] <hellwolf> LoneStar 我进不去 fedora-cn [2007-09-14 22:41:42] <hellwolf> hellwolf 哈? [2007-09-14 22:41:42] <hellwolf> LoneStar invite-only? [2007-09-14 22:41:42] <hellwolf> hellwolf 谁设置的 [2007-09-14 22:41:42] <hellwolf> hellwolf 不可能吧 [2007-09-14 22:42:12] =-= Mode #fedora-cn -i by hellwolf [2007-09-14 22:43:53] -->| LoneStar (n=xinzhen@ has joined #fedora-cn [2007-09-14 22:44:00] <LoneStar> 今天是不是人太多? [2007-09-14 22:44:55] <hellwolf> 今天似乎没人主持 [2007-09-14 22:48:22] -->| DBLobster (n=DBLobste@ has joined #fedora-cn [2007-09-14 22:52:49] <LoneStar> 请大家静默,为 hers 祈祷 [2007-09-14 22:56:48] <hers> mode +r 是什么?谁设的? [2007-09-14 22:57:44] [INFO] You are no longer marked as away. [2007-09-14 22:59:10] <hellwolf> 谁捣乱的 [2007-09-14 22:59:18] <hellwolf> +i 了人都进不来的 [2007-09-14 22:59:41] =-= Mode #fedora-cn -r by hers [2007-09-14 22:59:42] -->| hongdan (n=chatzill@ has joined #fedora-cn [2007-09-14 22:59:47] <hers> 莫名其妙 [2007-09-14 22:59:58] >ChanServ< access #fedora-cn list [2007-09-14 23:00:07] *ChanServ* Num Level Hostmask Time since last use [2007-09-14 23:00:07] *ChanServ* --- ----- -------- ------------------- [2007-09-14 23:00:07] *ChanServ* 1 10 rEdcArp_yu 1d 6h 30m 22s [2007-09-14 23:00:07] *ChanServ* 2 20 ricky 3h 3m 49s [2007-09-14 23:00:07] *ChanServ* 3 10 LoneStar 16m 5s [2007-09-14 23:00:07] *ChanServ* 4 30 bbbush 0s [2007-09-14 23:00:07] *ChanServ* 5 20 keimoto 1w 6d 13h 18m 48s [2007-09-14 23:00:08] *ChanServ* 6 10 Huahua 5w 2h 40m 22s [2007-09-14 23:00:08] *ChanServ* 7 20 hellwolf 17m 47s [2007-09-14 23:00:08] *ChanServ* -- End of list -- [2007-09-14 23:00:08] <hongdan> 聚会阿 [2007-09-14 23:00:33] <hers> 现在有权限改聊天室 mode 的是哪些人? [2007-09-14 23:00:54] <hellwolf> 不知道,有没有日志好查 [2007-09-14 23:01:01] <hellwolf> 反正就这几个人有op [2007-09-14 23:01:20] <hers> 设置 mode +r 就是说没有 op 时临时选派 [2007-09-14 23:01:43] <hers> ChanServ 不在的话谁知道是谁搞鬼了 [2007-09-14 23:02:41] <hers> 晕,是我自己 - -! [2007-09-14 23:02:53] <hers> hellwolf~ 我刚才输入的是 /mode +o hellwolf ricky [2007-09-14 23:03:06] <hellwolf> 奥 [2007-09-14 23:03:07] <hellwolf> 。。。。。。。。。。。。 [2007-09-14 23:03:11] <hers> 结果它解释成了 /mode +o hellwolf, /mode +ricky [2007-09-14 23:03:19] <hers> 我靠 - -! [2007-09-14 23:03:23] <hellwolf> 哈哈啊哈 [2007-09-14 23:03:59] * hers 太过分了,怎么把所有人都拦在了外边 [2007-09-14 23:04:22] * hers 还说旁听呢,差点就睡去了 [2007-09-14 23:04:27] =-= Mode #fedora-cn +o LoneStar by hers [2007-09-14 23:00:45] <hellwolf> 常州话是常州土生土长居民进行日常生活与生产实践交流的工具,是吴域居民重要的文化符号,是汉民族语言的重要组成部分。常州话记载着吴地3000多年的辉煌历史,连接着吴地生活的漫长遂道,闪耀着吴地先民智慧的光芒。常州话值得我们对之敬重,也值得我们去研究,更值得我们去衍生发展、发扬光大。 [2007-09-14 23:04:48] <hellwolf> 众所周知,常州话是一种口头语言,它没有也不可能有自成体系的文字书写形式,从而它不是独立于汉语之外的第二种语言。因此它也和粤语等方言一样,虽然有区别于其他方言的语音,但没有狐立于汉语之外的语意文字。它所表达的语意在标准汉语的文字中全有对应关系。反过来说,每一句常州话都可以用标准汉字来对应标注。 [2007-09-14 23:05:12] <hellwolf> LoneStar, 你听则动藏贼乎老瓦 [2007-09-14 23:06:39] <hongdan> ? [2007-09-14 23:06:57] <hellwolf> 比如常州人回答旁人对生活、工作状态或者某件事件具体事态的询问时,会含糊其辞地说“还好,缠缠咧。”意思就是说,“还不错,马马虎虎啦”,处于说好也不是特别好,说坏肯定还不坏的状态。好多人不会写这个字,有的人根据读音会写成“转转”。其实这与本意相差十万八千里。缠缠是一个十分古意的词。来源也是在生产实践中。 [2007-09-14 23:34:46] <LoneStar> hellwolf, 上海属于百越族地盘 [2007-09-14 23:34:55] <LoneStar> 百越就是越南那边的人 [2007-09-14 23:35:08] <LoneStar> 跟你不是一个族的 [2007-09-14 23:35:22] <hellwolf> 不都是汉人么 [2007-09-14 23:35:23] <hongdan> 不能那样说,只能说曾经是 [2007-09-14 23:36:27] <LoneStar> 上海有25%的人含有百越族特征基因 [2007-09-14 23:36:38] <LoneStar> 不过我不知道有没有,没人给我查 [2007-09-14 23:36:44] <hongdan> 75%的是汉人基因 [2007-09-14 23:36:45] <LoneStar> 我妈妈是常州人 [2007-09-14 23:37:02] <LoneStar> 有没有百越特征都是汉人 [2007-09-14 23:37:18] <hellwolf> 看面相可以看出姓氏的 [2007-09-14 23:37:44] <hellwolf> 姓缪的大多是帅哥美女 [2007-09-14 23:37:56] <hers> .. [2007-09-14 23:08:05] <hers> 那个 gnome-translate 好像满好用来 [2007-09-14 23:10:09] <hongdan> hers,翻译主要工作是? [2007-09-14 23:10:18] <hers> 翻译 [2007-09-14 23:11:12] <skynovo> 晚安,同志们 [2007-09-14 23:13:26] <hongdan> 晚安,sky同志 [2007-09-14 23:13:56] |<-- skynovo has left freenode ("ChatZilla [Firefox] ") [2007-09-14 23:15:07] -->| yichi (n=yichi@ has joined #fedora-cn [2007-09-14 23:16:04] -->| GNUdog (n=GNUdog@ has joined #fedora-cn [2007-09-14 23:16:10] =-= Mode #fedora-cn +v yichi by hers [2007-09-14 23:17:33] <yichi> hers: compiz-fusion 在 fedora 8 里,好用么? [2007-09-14 23:19:09] <hers> @_@ 什么时候有的? [2007-09-14 23:19:23] <yichi> 一直都有吧 [2007-09-14 23:21:23] <hers> 0.5.2 的 compiz 么,挺好的,每天都用着 [2007-09-14 23:22:55] <hongdan> beryl就够了,感觉 [2007-09-14 23:24:03] <yichi> 呵呵 [2007-09-14 23:24:11] <yichi> 我也想装一个来着 [2007-09-14 23:24:25] <yichi> 我在 fc7 上装了。 [2007-09-14 23:24:45] <yichi> 不过一放视频,播放器就自动退出。 [2007-09-14 23:24:49] <hers> .. [2007-09-14 23:24:57] <yichi> 你的可以么? [2007-09-14 23:25:05] <yichi> 可以放视频么? [2007-09-14 23:25:48] <yichi> 可以用播放器么? [2007-09-14 23:27:55] <hongdan> 我的也是f7,今天刚装的,还没在beryl下播放过,一会儿试试看.我用totem+mplayer解码,基本什么都能放