Fedora Pakistan
Fedora Pakistan wiki page is a place where you can find all the information about Fedora Pakistan Projects and Fedora Contributors in Pakistan. It's a community based team to empower and engage people from Pakistan to Fedora Project.
Are you new to IRC? Check our IRC Premier.
On IRC join us at #fedora-pakistan[?] channel on Libera network. Read it to know how to maximize the support you receive from IRC.
For a list of all Fedora Project IRC channels visit this link.
For upcoming meeting schedule and previous meeting logs/minutes visit our meetings page.
Mailing List
You can join the following mailing lists
- Fedora Pakistan a general discussion mailing list.
- Fedora Urdu Localization a mailing list for Fedora's Urdu translation.
All members are requested to follow these Mailing list Etiquette. For a list of all Fedora Project mailing lists visit this link
Fedora Events
To know about Fedora events in Pakistan visit our events page.
Ambassadors are the selected people who represents Fedora in society. Here's a list of Fedora Ambassadors in Pakistan
Art Work
Collection of Some Wallpapers.