Docker QA
Docker is a lightweight Operating System level virtualization, for more information please visit the Fedora Wiki Docker page or the upstream Docker Documentation.
Baseline Smoke Tests
Docker Is Installable
Docker should be able to be successfully installed.
$ dnf -y install docker
Should yield a system with docker installed.
$ rpm -q docker
Docker Storage Setup
The user should be able to run docker-storage-setup' succesfully after installing Docker.
$ journalctl -o cat --unit docker-storage-setup.service $ lsblk
The output of the first command should resemble:
CHANGED: partition=2 start=411648 old: size=12171264 end=12582912 new: size=41531232,end=41942880 Physical volume "/dev/vda2" changed 1 physical volume(s) resized / 0 physical volume(s) not resized Size of logical volume atomicos/root changed from 1.95 GiB (500 extents) to 4.00 GiB (1024 extents). Logical volume root successfully resized Rounding up size to full physical extent 24.00 MiB Logical volume "docker-meta" created Logical volume "docker-data" created
The lsblk command output should resemble:
NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT vda 252:0 0 20G 0 disk ├─vda1 252:1 0 200M 0 part /boot └─vda2 252:2 0 19.8G 0 part ├─atomicos-root 253:0 0 4G 0 lvm /sysroot ├─atomicos-docker--meta 253:1 0 24M 0 lvm └─atomicos-docker--data 253:2 0 10G 0 lvm
Docker Deamon Should be running
When installed, the docker daemon should be able to successfully start.
$ systemctl start docker.service
Should yeild a functioning (non-failed state) docker daemon.
$ systemctl status docker.service ● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2016-04-18 11:18:40 CDT; 3 days ago Docs: Main PID: 1404 (sh) CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service ├─1404 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/docker daemon $OPTIONS $DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTIONS $DOCKER_NETWORK_OPTIONS $INSECURE_REGISTRY 2>&1 | /usr/bin/forward-journald -tag docker ├─1414 /usr/bin/docker daemon --selinux-enabled --log-driver=journald -G dockerroot --storage-opt dm.no_warn_on_loop_devices=true └─1415 /usr/bin/forward-journald -tag docker
Docker Can Pull Images
When the docker daemon has been started on a machine, the docker client on that same machine should be capable of pulling an image from a Registry.
The following pull operation should result without error:
$ sudo docker pull fedora
Run the following command to run "Hello World" by means of Busybox:
$ sudo docker run fedora /bin/echo pass
The following text appears: pass