Fedora uses a system of tracker bugs to keep track of release blocker bugs - bugs that are blocking its milestone releases (Beta, Final) and which must be fixed before these releases can proceed. These tracker bugs are listed at BugZappers/HouseKeeping/Trackers and referred to by the blockerbugs app. Periodically, new trackers must be created, and the Trackers page and the blockerbugs app must be updated.
Final release
When a Final release is signed off at the Go_No_Go_Meeting, do the following:
- From a checkout of the qa-misc repository, run
./updatetrackers NN
, where NN is the number of the release that was just signed off. You must have the
packages installed, a valid API key for Bugzilla set inpython3-bugzilla
, and you probably need 'editbugs' privileges for the script to be able to make all the changes in Bugzilla. The script will create new trackers for release NN+2 (the NN+1 trackers will already exist from the previous cycle), update the unversioned aliases (BetaBlocker etc.) to point to the NN+1 trackers, and update the Trackers page. - Go to the blockerbugs app admin interface. Where NN is the release that was just signed off, mark the NN milestones as not "active" or "current". Mark the NN+1 Beta milestone as "current". If the steps from the Beta release section below were not followed at NN Beta time, you may need to create the NN+1 release and milestones first.
Beta release
When a Beta release is signed off at the Go_No_Go_Meeting, do the following:
- Go to the blockerbugs app admin interface. Where NN is the release whose Beta was just signed off, mark the NN Beta milestone as not "active" or "current". Mark the NN Final milestone as both "active" (it should be already) and "current". Create the NN+1 release and its Beta and Final milestones, following the format of existing entries, and finding the tracker bug IDs from BugZappers/HouseKeeping/Trackers or just by looking them up by their predictable aliases. Mark both milestones as "active" but not "current".