Swift allows storage devices to be added to a running swift environment. In this test we will add a storage device to the ring file. And verfiy it is being utilized
So its more likely we'll see the effects of adding a device we upload more data to swift
$> cd $> . /path/to/keystonerc $> for x in {1..10} ; do swift upload c$x ; done
Create a new loopback storage device (use a physical device if you have access to one)
$> truncate /var/tmp/swift-storage-newdevice --size 5G $> DEVICE=$(sudo losetup --show -f /var/tmp/swift-storage-newdevice) $> sudo mkfs.ext4 -I 1024 $DEVICE $> sudo mkdir -p /srv/node/newdevice $> sudo mount -o noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,user_xattr $DEVICE /srv/node/newdevice $> sudo chown -R swift:swift /srv/node/newdevice
How to test
Add the new device to the ring
$> sudo swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/account.builder add z1- 100 $> sudo swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/container.builder add z1- 100 $> sudo swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/object.builder add z1- 100 $> sudo swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/object.builder pretend_min_part_hours_passed $> sudo swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/account.builder pretend_min_part_hours_passed $> sudo swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/container.builder pretend_min_part_hours_passed
test for files on the new device (there should be none
$> sudo find /srv/node/newdevice -type f
re-balance the ring file
$> sudo swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/account.builder rebalance $> sudo swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/container.builder rebalance $> sudo swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/object.builder rebalance
Expected Results
After a sort wait some files should be moved from the other devices to the new storage device
$> sudo find /srv/node/newdevice -type f