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This test case ensures the proper installation and basic functionality of the dbus-broker, dbus-common, and dbus-daemon.


  1. Install the dbus-broker, dbus-common, and dbus-daemon packages: sudo dnf install dbus-broker dbus-common dbus-daemon.
  2. Ensure the D-Bus broker is running: systemctl status dbus-broker.service.

How to test

  1. Check the version of the installed packages: rpm -q dbus-broker dbus-common dbus-daemon.
  2. List all the D-Bus services currently running using dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames.
  3. Use the dbus-monitor tool to monitor D-Bus messages on the system bus or session bus.
  4. Restart the dbus-broker service: systemctl restart dbus-broker.service.

Expected Results

  1. The version command should display the correct versions of the installed packages.
  2. The list command should display all active D-Bus services.
  3. dbus-monitor should show live D-Bus messages as they occur.
  4. No errors or crashes should occur during the process, and services relying on D-Bus should remain functional after the dbus-broker restart.


For advanced testing:

  1. Test sending and receiving custom messages using D-Bus and the broker.
  2. Verify the proper functioning of D-Bus activation where services are started on-demand.
  3. Examine the behavior of D-Bus under high load or with large message payloads.