From Fedora Project Wiki


This test case tests whether you can create a container using the default fedora-toolbox image ( and that you can enter into it.


  1. Ensure the distrobox package is installed

How to test

  • Run distrobox create -n fedora-test or distrobox-create -n fedora-test

If the fedora-toolbox image is not already present on your system, a question asking to pull it should appear. Answer Y.

  • List the available distroboxes on your system with distrobox list or distrobox-list
  • Enter the container with distrobox enter -n fedora-test or distrobox-enter --name fedora-test
  • Execute basic operations inside the container, like
    • ls -la
    • cat /etc/redhat-release
    • sudo whoami
  • Exit from the container
  • Stop the container (i.e. podman stop fedora-test)
  • Remove the container with distrobox rm fedora-test

Expected Results

  • If applicable, the pull from the registry is successful
  • The newly created container is listed
  • You can successfully enter into the container
  • You can run commands inside the container
  • You can remove the container